Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I get home after hanging out with Austin. I go on my computer to see what Austin didn't want me to see. I shouldn't be doing this but, hey! I'm too curious.

Maybe I shouldn't have done this.

'Eww what does he see in her.'

'Aw, daddies paying Austin to play fake boyfriend'

'I bet she's using him' There was a comment replied to that was 'Ya probably for money and fame'

'EW TROLL KILL YOURSELF!! What does Austin see in that thing.' I feel tears. I quickly wipe them away and go on twitter. There's a new tweet by Austin.

'Hey guys, so there's been alot of hate comments on someone I did a video with. She means alot to me and I would ask if you think more kindly of your words.' Tears stroll down my face. Instantly there's replies to his post.


'Who's she?' There was repiles to that comment. Which were 'Emma. DUH.'

'No! Not Emma. Julie!' Another said replying to the one that said me. Who's Julie? I think, wow, am I jealous? I continue to read the comments 'No.. He would've made this post a long time ago like when he was on tour' I scroll and a bunch of people are fighting over who it is.

I turn off my computer. I stare at my celeing. I think of what I read. Tears stream down my cheeks.

"Emma! I'm home!" My mom says and walks into my room. "Emma! What's the matter?"

"I'm fine." I say.

"Emma," She sits on my bed. "You can tell me."

I start sobbing "I- w-w-was at A-a-austin's" My mom jumps up.

"What'd he do." My mom hisses. I widen my eyes.


"What'd he do. Did he chea-"

"NO! Austin wouldn't do that."

"Then what'd he do?"

"He didn't do anything!" I snap "All he's been is good to me and-" I think "Wait, how'd you know we were dating?" My mom's face turns red.

"He asked for my premission."

"When?" I ask.

"Mmm, OH! The day before the interview." She says, I think. Ohh, that's when I came home from getting my outfit. Aw, he asked for permission. That's cute. I bet he would've asked my dad but my dad's apart of the army.

I really miss my dad. I wish he would just come home.

"So what happened." My mom asks interupting my thoughts. I take a deep breath.

"Austin's fans don't like me." I say.

"Oh, Em that's silly."

"Is them wishing my life away silly?" I snap.

"No, but they're just jealous. You're dating their roll model." I actually never thought of Austin as a roll model but I guess he is. "And you know girls with boy singers. Think about that. Remember when you liked that boy band and got jealous when they dated a girl."

"Ya but I never had a chance with them. I would never get the chance." I sigh. My mom shakes my shoulders I laugh.

"You are dating THE Austin that became famous THE Austin that girls are obsested over."

"Ya, and THE Austin I grew up with, and still can't picture him famous." I sigh. My mom shakes her head and kisses the top of my head.

"You'll find your way sweetheart."

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