Old Best Friend: New Fame

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Chapter One

Something dings all of a sudden, and I realize school is over for the day. That felt like the longest six hours of my life. It's been a year since my best friend, Austin, became a famous singer and went on tour. It happend really fast, he made a video on the internet and then got discoverd. I really miss him, and we don't have much time to talk to eachother because when I have school he's doing something else, then when I'm out of school he always has something to do. It's Friday so I'm looking foward to the weekend. I feel like all the stress pushing down harder and harder on my shoulders drift away. I walked home by myself then I'm greeted by my dog Queen. No, I am not one of those girls who dresses up their dogs. It was a name me and Austin picked along time ago. Her fur color is like a black sheep. I allow Queen in my room then I sit on the bed. Queen jumps up onto my lap so I can pet her. I'm glad Queen isn't the type of dog that distroys everything. She is playful and has alot of energy in her but she doesn't rip anything up.

After about twenty-minutes I hear the doorbell. Queen lunges out of my lap and bolts to the door. I follow the curious dog and open the door. There's a young man standing out of my door who's face seems familiar. He has brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey, Em." It's Austin. I don't get the chance to say anything before my arms just automatically  swing around his neck to hug him. He hugs me back, I let go and invite him inside.

I'm surprised he's here I didn't want to overload him with fifty thousand questions so I just ask "How's it been?!" it seems so long but it's only been a year. Even Queen's excited, she's been all over him. He picks her up and strokes her brown fur and tells me about his 'adventure. Then he asks me if I want to be on an talk show with him. That's when I froze. Thoughts kept flowing through my mind. Yes! No! Maybe. I don't know.. "Okay sure." I found myself saying.

"That's great! It's gonna be on Monday at eleven a.m is that okay?" He asks.

"Oh, uh I don't know I have school.." That does not help my nerves.

"Right.." He says, I think he forgot that I still take school. I really didn't wanna let him down so I tried to think, maybe my mom would let me skip the day of school. Probably not. That's when my mom pulls into the driveway. She unlocks the door and steps in. 

"Emma I'm home!" She walks in sees Austin then grins. "Was she suprised?" My mom asks Austin. I think he told her but not me, so I can be suprised. Austin nods at my mother.

"Uh mom, Austin asked if I could go to a talk show with him on Monday at eleven is that okay?"

"Sure you can go. But I have work so you guys will have to drive there."

"Okay." My mom's phone rings and she answers it. I think it's from work. She said she had to go. Then she gets in her car and drives away.

"So, how's school?" Austin asks me. I shrug.

"Boring. It's always just the same thing each day." I look at him, he smiles  shyly. He gets a text. He sighs.

"I'm sorry. I have to go. I'll see you later. Okay?" I nod alittle disapointed that I didn't get much time with him but at least I got to see him in person. He hugs me and kisses my cheek then leaves. I blush. I go to my room and try to find a magazine with him in it. He said something about a 'home crush' in the magazine.. Found it! They were asking him about girlfriends and things like that. Maybe I'm just making a big deal out of this. He was just being polite.  Maybe it's just one of the popular girls in our school that are super pretty. Whatever.

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