Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I wake up the next day. Austin's mom and mine are keeping us home until I feel better. Or until they feel better about everything. I go to the bathroom, look at myself in the mirror. I brush my teeth. I'm wearing a black tank top, orange sweats that says "I <3 me" on the leg then a heart on the butt. My hair's down. The doorbell rings. I jump a bit. It could be Austin's father, even though I'm pretty sure he went to prison. I look around my house. I grab a heel. What else would I have? I live with my mother, I'm not gonna have a baseball bat around. I walk over catiously then open the door. 

"Oh," I sigh. "Hey." Austin's standing there.

"What's with the shoe?" He asks, grinning at me.

"Protection." I say. He laughs a bit. He then shakes his head.

"That's not good protection. It wouldn't even do anything." He says. I lift the heel part up, clench it and point it towards his eye.

"Do you want to see the protection?" I ask. "Actually, you wouldn't be able to if I use it." He widens his eyes and shakes his head. I grin and bring the shoe down. 

"You also have me."  He says. I give him a look.

"Where were you when he came then?" I ask. Austin's eyes sadden.

"At the doctors." He says. He then grins. "Then where was your precious shoe?" 

"Sleeping. She needs her beauty sleep." I say, smiling.

"Sleeping on the job!" He exlaims. I laugh. I motion him in. He walks in and closes the door. "Question, why are you still in sleep wear?" He asks. I glare at him.

"I'm not going anywhere. Also I'm not going to see a queen." I say.

"You're seeing me." He says.

"Do you want me to change?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"No, I like that you're comfortable around me." He says.

"Dude, I've known you since we were frikkin' 3 if I didn't feel comfortable around you there's something wrong with me." He grins.

"Alright then, feisty today?" He asks.

"Being abused can do that to you." I say. He shakes his head. He walks closer to me and wraps his arms around me. I hug him back around his waist. I start crying slightly into his chest. 

It feels good to just cry, with his strong arms around me. "He would've killed me." I say into his chest. It came out muffled.

"I know." Austin's voice shakes. He holds me tight, it hurts a bit. 

After awhile we're still hugging, he chuckles and slightly pulls away to look at me, his arms still around me.

"Can't we just stay like this for the rest of our lives." He says, grinning.

"I'm cool with it if you are." I grin back. "You want anything?" I ask backing out of his grip. He pulls me back in.

"I want you." He says. I blush and roll my eyes. 

"You have me." I say, not backing away from his grip. I go on my tiptoes and kiss his nose. He smiles. I then get out of his grip and walk over to the fridge and grab the milk.

"Coffee?" I ask Austin.

"Sure." He says. I nod and grab the coffee pot go over to the sink and start cleaning it. As I'm doing this arms wrap around my waist, I smile. I finish, Austin stays there.

"Austin." I say. He kisses my neck. I giggle. "Austin." I whine again. He doesn't stop. "Aus-" He reaches a sweet spot which freezes my words from escaping my mouth. With his lips against my skin I feel his lips curve into a grin. He stops but leaves his breath on my skin, sending shivers up my spine. He turns my head towards him and kisses my lips. I run my fingers throughout his hair then take a grip on the back. I give a tug, he moans slightly. I giggle and back away.

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