Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The bullying tonned down a bit since Austin came but they still bullied. Some became super nice just so they can hang out with him and some were jealous so they stayed the same. Then came back to the question Austin asked me awhile ago. If I'm sure the only reason I don't want him back so that the school wouldn't be insane. Which would be true but there're some other reasons too that I don't want him to come back. I don't want him to get hurt, but there's this thing that's been bothering me. The girls. What if the most popular girl wants to date him and he agrees. It was this that botherd me. I don't even know, am I jealous?

Austin asks me one last time if I'm okay with him coming back. I think, maybe I should look on the bright side of things, I would get to spend more time with Austin, unless he's mobbed by a bunch of people. I say it's fine. The next day me and Austin go to school together, he goes to the main office and I go in with him since we came early. "Hi, I'm returning to the school," Austin says awkwardly. The secratary laughs then looks up, her jaw drops. She closes her mouth.

"Uhm yes, you may speak to Mr.Isaac" She says. Pointing toward the principals office. We walk over to the door. "Uhuh! You too?" She says giving me a dirty look. Wow, famous person warmfully welcomes, girl no one knows rude.

"I already go to this school." I say snobbishly and go through the door with Austin.

"Austin! What a pleseant surprise." The principal says.

"I wanted to see if you'll still accept me into the school" Austin says staying close to me

"It'll be my pleasur to have you join" He gushes. I slightly roll my eyes. Mr Isaac looks at me he doesn't noticed I rolled my eyes though. "If you would like you can be in the classes Emma's in so she can show you around." I slightly smile. "Better get on then, want you two to look around."

We go out and don't actually look around because he knows where everything is. We just talk. Then it's time for everyone to come. I think I'm more nervous than he is. It's weird I don't think I've experenced him being nervous. Maybe I have but he doesn't show it offen. Everyone is let in. Girls scream boys freeze, it's really weird.

"Uh, hi." Austin says with his deep voice. Which makes the girls scream more. I cover my ears. Austin squints, as if that'll help. He squints as if he just woke up and it's bright. Then the principal walks in.

"This is a school!" He shouts. The girls quiet down. "I'm appaled by you all. Austin returned to the school that does not make it right for you all to scream in the halls." He turns to Austin. "I'm so sorry about that" He says.

"Yeah," Austin says back, which I was a little surprised by, I thought he would be like, 'It's alright' Or accepting his appoligy, guess I was wrong.

Mr. Isaac turns to the rest of the school "Off to class." He says shooing them. They all spread out and go to their lockers. Mr.Isaac has Austin's locker next to mine, which wasn't needed because I don't think anyone is using Austin's old locker but I woun't complain. Austin knows where my locker is so that is eaiser too. After we get settled we go to our first class. Everyone wants Austin to sit next to them but he refused if there wasn't another seat for me next to that one. Already twenty-six people asked me to switch lockers with them. All girls.

After school finishes we're still in the school because of all the people, I didn't mind that Austin was getting attiention. Who could blame them, he is famous. I don't know what I was worried about, I'm not even jealous.

Now I'm jealous. Not of Austin. Of one girl. She's the popular one in the school, they act like she's famous like Austin, exept she's not. Not to be the hole jealousy gossip type girl, but she is such a snob! Her name's Alexia. I tell Austin that I'll be right back because I forgot my Social Studies book in class, and when I come back Alexia's flirting with Austin. UGH! She probaly thinks she could play with his mind and make him like her, and she's probaly right. I think Austin did like her once, so she could make him like her again. She notices that I'm back, she grins and goes closer to Austin.

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