Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

It's now been a week since Austin came back. Austin's throwing a party to get back together with his friends and things like that. Some of his celeberty friends are coming too. That'll be cool and alittle weird. I don't know why I feel that way just because I guess I'm still getting used to him being a celeberty in the first place so, we'll see how that goes. I go on a big trampoline I have in my backyard. My backyard is pretty big, so there is alot of space for this and for my dog to run around. I hear the doorbell from inside my mom can get it. Then Austin comes in the backyard.

"He-ay" I say jumping. I stop jumping and wait for the trampoline to stop bouncing.

"Hey." He says smilling. "Having fun?" He asks, I guesture him to come in with me. He joins me.

"What's up?" I ask. I sit down he sits down too.

"Nothing just thought I'd stop by. Listen, I know this was on Monday but we never really got around to talking about... the kiss." He says. That's right, we acted like it never even happend. I still don't know if he liked it or didn't.

"Okay.." I say awkwardly not knowing if I want to hear what's going to come out of his mouth. He sighs. Uh oh..

"I really like you Em, and I don't know if you feel the same way, and I don't want to ruin our friendship, and it's taken me the past two years if I should tell you how I really feel. I decided to tell you now just in case I have to go anywhere again without you. The whole reason I became famous is because of you" I freeze "I wrote the songs that I got discovered by, the songs were about you."

I don't know what to say, I know he's waiting for a responce. Without realizing what I do I kiss him and elevate myself onto both of my knees I put my hands behind his head. He puts his hands on my waist. My hands slide down his head to the bottom of his neck I hold the bottom hairs from his head. I free his lips from mine. He looks at me he bites his lip. I kiss him again, I can't stay away. I stop again.

"I hope that means a yes" He says and grins I hug him around his neck. After that we just lay down on the trampoline. He takes my hand as we're laying down. We just start talking after that.

I wake up thinking I'm in my bed but then see these white dots on the roof, I realize there is no roof and I'm not in my bed. I examin my surroundings and see Austin sleeping and us on the tranpoline. We must've fallen asleep. I see Austin's phone going on and off, he's still sleeping I grab his phone and see who's calling him. It's his mom. I look at the time it's ten o'clock p.m. I realise my hand is still intertwined with his. I don't know if I should wake him or let him sleep. I decied to let him sleep. I start snooping on his phone. I look at pictures and video's he has. Then I find video's that were suppouse to go to me.

"Hey Em. Since I don't get to talk to you in person I'm going to record video's and show you them when I see you again. I miss you already." I watch all of them. They took three hours to watch them all. I then go back to laying down looking up at the stars. I find myself drifting back to sleep.

I wake up again but this time it's morning. I sit up. "Hello Aurora." I look back and Austin's laying there awake. I rub my eyes.

"What time is it?"

"I don't know you stole my phone." He grins and sits up. My face turns alittle red. "Are you ready for my party tonight?"

"Crap, I still need to find an outfit." I see Austin roll his eyes.

"Girls." He says. I push him back so he's laying down. I sit down on his waist. He crosses his arms and uses them for a pillow. I put my hands on his chest.

"Come with me to go shopping and I'll show you how being a girl feels like." I grin. Austin takes my hands then he twists his arms to make mine bend so I'm brought closer to his face then he kisses me.

Old Best Friend, New FameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz