Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It's been awhile since Austin's father came here. He hasn't botherd them but I've seen him around the neighborhood which scares me. Austin and I are walking home from school, laughing.

"It's stupid. He doesn't mind the kids seeing him make a fool of him but if I'm there it's like death is upon him if he messes up." Austin says, I laugh.

"Upon him?" I burst out laughing again. Austin coughs and trys to smile but coughs again. "Allergies?" I ask. He shakes his head and coughs into his arm again.

"I don't know." We get to our houses. "Come in for a sec." He says to me. I nod my head and follow him to his house. He looks through his draws. He grabs out a bottel of medician. I follow him as he takes out a water bottel, offers me something I rufuse, he takes a sip of the water, places the pill on his toungue and takes another sip of water. He leans on his desk. I shake my head.

"You're so chill about everything." I say. He shrugs and grins. He coughs. I move closer to him, I put the back of my hand on his forehead. "You're burning up." I say. He nods. "You should lay down." I continue. I bring him over to his bed. He doesn't bother putting the sheets on. "Better?" I ask.

"It's hot." He says. I look around his room, I find his remote control for his fan. I click 'On' and the fan slowly starts moving, then picks up pace.

I sit beside him while he's laying down. I smiles at me. He stretches his arms out to me. "It's gonna be too hot." I say. He wanted me to lay with him. He pouts.

"I'm cold." He states. I laugh. I push his hair back, out of his eyes.

"Then get under the covers." I say. He grins. Thinking his own little thoughts.

I wait until he falls asleep, then I kiss his cheek and leave.

The Next Day

Austin wasn't at school. I go over his house after school. Destiny answers it. "Hey Emma. Austin's upstairs if you wanna talk to him." I nod

"Thanks." I say and go upstairs. I knock on his door.

"Yup?" His voice calls. I open the door. He lifts his head, I see a smile spread across his face. "Hey Em." He says.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good. Better." He says. I walk into his room and realize he's not wearing a shirt. I blush a little. I guess I'm not use to that either. Austin used to be this, skinny boy. He has the covers messly on him.

"Rough night?" I giggle. He chuckles slightly. He nods.

"Going to the doctors at 5? Or 5:30, I dunno." I giggle.

"Well," I look at my phone. "It's 3:37" I say. He sighs.

"This day couldn't get any longer." He says

"Agreed." I say, sitting on his desk chair, spin and look at him.

"I'm bored." He says.

"Well, you're sick that's how it's suppoused to be." I say and change to being next to him sitting on his bed. He smiles. He sits up.

"Hi." He says shyly. I giggle.

"Hi. You alright? Do you need anything?" He looks at me.

"Can you give me my water?" He asks. I nod as he points to his desk.

I walk over and grab his water bottle then hand it to him.

"Thanks." He says and drinks some.

After awhile

"Okay, you should probably get ready for going to the doctors, so I'll leave you to that." I say. He grins.

"Alright." He says. I don't know what's been going through his mind, but he keeps grinning.

"Why do you keep grinning?" I ask.

"You're beautiful." He says. I laugh.

"You're sick, but haven't lost your flirtatious touch. Bye, weirdo." I say.

"Bye, beautiful." He says. I kiss his cheek and go downstairs.

"Bye Destiny." I say walking out the door.

"Bye Emma!" Destiny says through the back room. I walk over to my house.

Afew hours later.

There's a knock at the door. Why is that person knocking, we have a doorbell for a reason. I think to myself. My mom's at work, like always, I walk over to the door and look through. I can't quite see the person. I open the door. There's Austin's father. I back up a bit.

"I thought you were in jail." I say. He grins and shakes his head. "W-what do you want?" I stutter. He moves closer. I back up again. "Uh-" He grips my arms. I scream "Help-!" He bangs me against the wall, three times, hitting my head. I fall to the ground then suddenly, everything goes black.

Ermahgaud. Guys, I've had idea's on this chapter WAY too much. See I have these, idea's, that I write if I don't have my computer, so the idea's are in a notebook or on the 'Notes' on my phone. This was the one that I was the most exited about. So the thing is I had to find a way to bring his dad into the picture, and when I found a way to put it in the story I got exited. Very, intense moment. Thanks for reading!

Instagram: @skymmac

Old Best Friend, New Fameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें