Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

I feel like school has got worst. People that were already mean to me have been more physical. When they call me names I can brush that off. But you can't brush off afew bruses. I told Austin and my mom that been clumsy lately so they don't worry. My mom keeps asking things like "Are you sure it's just you being clumsy?" I always agree that it's just me tripping over a rug or bumping into desks. 

One day the principal calls me into his office over the loud speaker. My face burns as I hear everyone in the class 'Ooo' as if I'm in trouble. I look at my teacher and he nods at me I get up and grab my school bag and reluctently walk to the office. "Ah, Miss Emma!" The principal says as I walk in. "How are you doing?"

"Um fine, I guess." I say I'm not interested in was he asks. "Am I in trouble?"

"No. Of course not." He informs me. I feel a sudden relife drift on me. "Take a seat." I step inside the room more and take a seat. "I have heard rumors that Austin is back, is this true?" Oh this is about Austin, figures.

"Yeah, he came back about afew weeks ago. Why?"

"Well, I wanted to know if he would be interested on helping our fundraiser, or even consiter coming back."

 I pause for a moment, he might want to do the fundraiser thing but coming back to school is a whole different level. Plus he'll know I was lying to him about the whole 'me being clumbsy' act. "I think he'll be fine with doing the fundraiser, but I'm not sure if he's ever plaining on re-joing the school, because the word may get around. Bad things could happen to him or the school."

"Have you two been with eachother for along time?" I felt akward when he said that. I get a slight shiver up my spine and try not to make it noticeable.

"I would say we've known eachother for quite awhile." I say.

"Now, what is you're realationship with Mr.Austin?" He asks and grabs a piece of paper and a pen. What feels like to me is a rude comment comes out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry, is this a trial." Oops!! That slipped out. I say in a sarcastic type of way

"Oh my, no I'm sorry am I making you feel uncompfortable?" He laughs "My daughter is a big fan of Austin and wants to know what is happing with him."

"May I be exused to leave."

"Yes, you may. Oh, and Emma," I turn back around to look at him while he is speaking to me "Please inform Austin." I nod in approvel. About the time I get back to my class it's time to leave. I grab my stuff as the teacher tells us we have no homework other then to study. The bell rings and every one charges to the door like a bull. When I get outside of the school I start to walk away from the crowd. People walk towards me and start pushing me and kicking.

"Hey! Cut it out!" I yell at them

"Heh, why?" One says

"You better not lay a single finger on her." Dammit! Austin's here.

"And why's that?" they all turn around "Who cares what you say." Austin laughs and takes of sunglasses that he was wearing and looks at them.

"These say fool proof, but I thought you all were alittle smarter then that." He turns to them. They widen their eyes and start squieling. They're all girls, and they're all obsessed with any guy who can sing.

"Oh my god Austin I'm you're biggest fan!"

"Nuh-uh! I'm his biggest fan!" They start a stupid girl fight on who likes him best, Austin looks at me over all the other girls. 

"None of you are, you didn't even know his voise when he spoke." I clarify. I start walking to the house and I hear footsteps after me. I don't look back but I stop. 

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