First Engagement Preparation

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Hi guys 😁
Sorry for the late. These days I have an exam till the end of the month that's why my brain is kinda a mess up a little bit.

I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading, voting, leaving a comment and even put it on your reading list.😘😘

Hope you enjoy it
Happy reading

*something write in italic font is indicate that person thinking

Forth POV

"Forth, let's just run away !!!" My love Beam frustrated.

"What are you talking about Beam ?" I chuckle.

"I can't stand it anymore ! They are become out of control now ! So let's just run away na Forth." He whine.

"You know that's not use Beam." As I caress his cheek.

"Fuck me !!" As he throw back his head on the passenger seat and look out the window.

It's still 9 AM and we are on our way to checking out venue for our engagement day. I don't know how many times me and Beam checking out from one to another place. But none of it satisfy our beloved mom taste and that's the reason why Beam really frustrated like this. Suddenly he face me again.

"Do we really need to engage Forth ?" He calmly said but it shock me a lot.

"Y-You don't want to ??" I said in disbelief.

"I don't find the importance of it Forth !" He exhale.

I quickly pull over and stop my car immediately.

"You regret being with me Beam ?"

"Hell no !! Why should I ?!" He furrow his brow

"Then why you don't want us to be engage ?"

"I don't need that fucking engagement just to be with you. We can even live together now. We don't need to be engage first. We still fucking young to be engage and even if we do it later, it's not like I will leave you for another person. Even if I want to, I can't do that. I'm already yours. From my heart to my body. I just need you to complete me. I don't fucking care about that complicated engagement. It's not even ours. It's our mother !!!" He lost it.

Did he realize that he just confess to me ? The one that have high self esteem ? Who is rarely said that he loves me ? Is fucking confessing to me right now ?! I can't me more happy than this right ?

Then I pull him closer and hug him tight.

"What are you doing Forth ?" He confused.

"You almost make me died on the spot Beam !"

"Huh ? Why ?"

"Really ?!" I let go out hug and give him unamused look.

But he nod. He fucking nod. I just can exhale.

"Before, you said it like you don't want to be with me and even like you will leave me." I explain.

"Are you stupid ?! Why do I do that ?!" He chuckle.

"Maybe I just love you too much." As I look into his eyes.

Then he round his hands on my neck.

"You are ?" He smile.

Geez ! This teaser !

"You're not ?" I knot my brow.

"I'm your's since the first time we met Forth." Then he kiss my lips.

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