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Hey guys! Sorry that this isn't an update, but I'm writing a research paper on fanfiction and come use your help with something. One of my sections is about the community, so if you could comment answers to one or more of these questions that would be really helpful. Thanks!

1. What is your current age and year of school if in school? How old were you when you first discovered fanfiction?

2. How has reading fanfiction changed your view of the original story? Do you like it more? Less? Why?

3. For other writers: how has fanfiction helped you expand your imagination?

4. Canon or Fanon? Why?

5. Have you met anyone in this fandom through fanfiction that made an impact on you? Explain.

6. How has the practice reading and writing improved your ability to read and write for school?

Thanks so much guys. New chapter or two will be out this weekend, I promise. I'm already working on them. Don't feel like you have to answer all of these questions either; I only need a few responses for each. Until next time!

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