Chapter Thirty

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"Wulcu ah gys," Ron said through a mouthful of food.

"What on earth did you just say?" Draco asked.

Ron swallowed. "I said, welcome back guys. How were your Christmases?"

"Good," Draco and Hermione both said.

"Thanks for the fancy chest, Draco," Ron said. "I'm going to have to put something important in it. Oh, and uh, thanks for the book, Hermione. I definitely read that."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'm sure Harry read his book. Didn't you Harry?"

"Oh yeah," Harry said, focusing on his food. "Really interesting."

"Didn't anybody appreciate my gifts?" Hermione asked sadly.

"Hey, I loved that book about mermaids," Draco said. "I read it all in one day."

Hermione smiled gratefully at him.

"What did you get from Draco, Harry?" she asked.

"A bunch of new clothes," Harry said. "It's like he bought out a whole mall."

"What's a mall?" Ron asked.

"Your clothes were dreadfully too big," Draco said, ignoring Ron's question because he also did not know what a mall was. "You need to look presentable."

"Well thanks. Can you play your flute for me after the feast? I really like it."

"Flute?" Hermione demanded. "You never told me you had a flute."

"I didn't want you to know," Draco mumbled.


"I'm not very good," he said.

"That's a lie!' Harry exclaimed. "You're great!"

"I want to hear you play too," Hermione said. "We'll all come listen after the feast."

Draco frowned and forced himself to eat more. Now he was all nervous.

Once everyone was dismissed from the meal the four headed up to Gryffindor Tower and Draco hoped they had forgotten about hearing him play the flute, but all three followed him into the dorm room and he resigned himself to his fate.

"I still can't believe you told them about my flute," Draco accused Harry as he took his golden flute out of its case. "I wanted to keep it a secret until I had it mastered."

"It sounded pretty great to me," Harry defended, sitting in between Ron and Hermione on Draco's bed. Why Hermione was allowed in the boys' room Draco would never understand, but she was, so she was here.

"Just play something, Draco," Hermione begged. "I love the flute so much. I wish I could play."

"I could teach you," Draco offered. "Maybe that can be your Christmas present next year."

Hermione grinned. "I'll hold you to that."

"Get on with it mate," Ron said. "Stop stalling. Even I want to hear this."

"Okay, fine," Draco said. "Just, this flute is enchanted. It will show me your true opinion of me, so if you secretly hate me and don't want me to find out, leave."

"Oh, it isn't a secret," Ron teased.

Draco stuck his tongue out and took out his sheet music. Once he finally picked a song, he sat down on Harry's bed next to his and held the flute up to his lips.

As he began to play, he watched his friends for their auras. Harry's was still golden, meaning crush, as Draco had found out, which kind of shocked him even now. Hermione's was a bright green, meaning best friend. Ron's was green too, but not as intense, meaning good friend. Draco blushed at Harry's aura now that he knew what it meant. Hopefully they would just think he was nervous about playing in front of them. He didn't really need them knowing about his major crush on Harry, though Draco was pretty sure that Ron already knew about it. Ron was actually super intuitive most of the time, even if he himself didn't know it.

Draco switched into another song as the first one ended, scared to hear their reactions. He knew he had to be playing well, since their auras were showing, but still. He was nervous.

When he decided to end, he gently lowered his flute and looked down. One of his friends started clapping, though Draco didn't know which one, and soon they were all clapping for him. He looked up with an awkward smile.

"So?" Hermione asked.

"So what?" Draco asked.

"So what were our opinions?" Hermione clarified.

Draco scratched his chest. "You were very green, which means you think of me as your best friend," he started. "Ron was regular green, which meant good friend, and Harry's was gold."

"Gold? What's that mean?"

"Uh, um, g-good friend."

No one believed him. That much was obvious.

"Fine. Crush," Draco mumbled.

Harry's eyes widened.

"Mate, you like Draco?" Ron asked in shock.

"No!" Harry protested. "He must have seen wrong."

"I'm pretty sure he's not colorblind," Ron argued. "You like him."

Harry grabbed a pillow and hid his face. Ron tore the pillow away and Harry's face was bright red.

"Leave him alone Ron," Hermione commanded. "You don't need to tease him."

Draco hurriedly put the flute away. All four kept silent, and Harry refused to look anyone in the eye. Draco noticed that he was playing absently with the raven necklace.

"You two should date," Ron said bluntly.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded. "Stop that!"

"But they both like each other," Ron said stubbornly. "They might as well date."

"We are eleven!" Draco exclaimed.


"Ugh! I'm leaving!" Hermione said in exasperation. She stood up and turned to leave. "And Ron, if I hear that you keep teasing them, there will be a punishment."

Hermione walked out of the door and closed it behind her.

Ron smirked. "I need to go to the bathroom. You two have a nice chat."

Ron closed the door behind him and Draco and Harry sat facing each other. Neither of them spoke. Harry still wouldn't look up, so Draco just looked at him.

When Ron re-emerged from the bathroom and found them silent, he groaned and left the room again, clearly wanting the two to have some sort of awkward talk. Draco decided that they really would have to confront this at some point, so he cleared his throat, making Harry finally glance up.

"So," Draco began.


"...We like each other," Draco said slowly. "But we're also eleven, which is, in my opinion, far too young for any sort of dating."

"Agreed. So what do you propose we do about this?" Harry asked.

Draco shrugged. "I mean, we could ignore it and just hope it goes away."

Harry nodded. "Sounds like a good plan to me."

"Cool. What do we tell Ron and Hermione?"

"Just that we're ignoring it, I guess," Harry said.

"Alright. Hey, before we start ignoring this whole thing, can we hug?" Draco asked quickly. "We don't have to, I just wanted to see."

"No, um, sure," Harry agreed. "It might be nice."

The two boys stood and faced each other. Draco extended his arms sharply and Harry followed. The hug was extremely awkward at best, but... it was nice. Really nice. Draco almost wished they weren't eleven so they could do this more often. Oh well. Maybe by some miracle they'd both keep the crush until they were, like, fifteen, maybe. Draco didn't exactly know when the best time to start dating was. He figured it was around then.

Disowned (Drarry/Pansmione)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora