Chapter Ninteen

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Pansy clipped her necklace around her neck and admired herself in the full-length mirror hanging from her closet door. She was wearing scarlet red, ironically. It suited her. Her dress was fitted at the top before spreading into a loose and flowy skirt that twirled when she did. Her necklace was a gold chain with a teardrop shaped ruby hanging from it. Her earrings were dangles with smaller versions of the necklace's ruby. She had straightened her short hair just to make sure it stayed looking nice and sprayed it heavily. Her nails were painted a shimmery gold. She hadn't done much makeup, just shiny lipgloss, mascara, and a little bit of sparkle on her eyelids. All that was left was the tiara. It was a family heirloom, so it was an honor that her mother was trusting her with it. It was pure gold.

Pansy delicately picked up the tiara and placed it on her head. She pinned it down and smiled. She looked like a proper princess like this.

She slipped her golden flats on and hurried into the common room, where friends were hurriedly adjusting each other.

"Tracey! You first!"

"Pansy!" Tracey screeched. "Look at you!"

Pansy smiled widely. "I am gorgeous, aren't I?"

Tracy nodded with wide eyes. "Goodness gracious. You're ready to do my hair now?"

Pansy nodded and led her quickly back to their room. Tracey was in a silver dress with pearls around her neck and in her ears. Simple but lovely.


Tracy sat in her usual position on the end of the ottoman and Pansy hiked up her dress to straddle it properly.

"What are you thinking?"


Pansy hummed and pulled her curling iron out of the bag. "I'm afraid I'll burn your dress. Can you pull it down?"

Tracy nodded and slipped the thin straps of her dress off and let it fall to her waist.

Pansy set to work on Tracey's long hair. Pansy risked it and used the high setting, since she had to do Millie too. Luckily she didn't burn Tracey's hair off and it turned out just how she had envisioned it.

"Hold your breath; I'm going to spray it," Pansy commanded. She heard Tracey suck in a breath and she proceeded to spray the absolute hell out of the curls. "Okay, you're good."

Tracy stood and fixed her dress as she ran to the mirror. "Oh wow, thank you! I love it!" She had a bright smile now. Theo was a lucky boy. Tracey could be stunning when she wanted to be.

"You're welcome. Now where's Millie? Do you know?"

Tracey shook her head. "She might be in her room."

Pansy grabbed her bag. She hurried through the hallway and ran into Daphne. "Parkinson. I dare say you look decent."

Pansy scowled. "Leave me alone, Greengrass. I have friends I'm tending to, unlike you."

Daphne scowled back. "Watch your back, Parkinson. I know you've been sneaking out at night. I have half a mind to go tell Snape."

"Go ahead," Pansy laughed. "What's he gonna do?"

She pushed past a confused Daphne and into Millie's room. She heard a shriek and covered her eyes.

"Sorry Bridget, do you know where Millie is?"

"She's in the bathroom. Don't you know how to knock?!"

Pansy ran and knocked on the door. "Millie? I'm here to do your hair."

"Give me a minute."

Pansy leaned against the door and watched Bridget getting ready, now that she was covered.

"I like that color on you," she commented. Bridget's green dress brought out her green eyes.

Bridget glanced over at her. "Thanks."

Pansy felt the door move and stood up straight. Millicent stepped out and Pansy looked her up and down. Millie was wearing a sparkly deep blue dress. "I hate this. I want to put my pants back on."

"Nonsense," Pansy scolded. "You look lovely. Now sit on the edge of that ottoman and tell me what you want."

Millicent did and she was told and sat down. Pansy again straddled the ottoman and earned a strange look from Bridget.

"I'd like waves, not necessarily curls. Maybe a wavy low ponytail and a couple of strands framing my face? Is that too hard?"

"No, that's actually fairly simple," Pansy assured her. "I can have that done in ten minutes."

Pansy did as she promised and had Millicent's hair done in ten minutes. The two headed out to find Tracey.

"Millie! You look great!" Tracey exclaimed.

"Hey, only she can call me Millie, and that's because I can't stop her," Millicent protested.

Tracey chuckled. "Nope. Nobody can. So are we all ready?"

Pansy nodded and so did Millicent. Tracey and Pansy linked arms and Millicent walked beside them. There was a separate room for the boys to get ready in, which they had to pass on the way to the Room of Requirement.

"I wonder if the boys are ready yet," Pansy said as they passed.

"Theo and Vincent probably are," Tracey said. "Blaise? He'll be a few minutes late."

"He doesn't even have to style his hair!" Pansy argued. "I think Vincent will be the late one. He was so nervous asking Millie; he'll want to look perfect."

"I think Theodore will be, just because he probably forgot the ball was today," Millicent commented.

"We can hear you," came a voice.

The girls turned and saw their dates all watching them in amusement.

"Whatever, so none of you were late, big whoop." Pansy marched over and took Blaise's arm. "Lets go."

Tracey timidly took Theodore's arm and Millicent took Vincent's. The three pairs made their way up the rest of the way.

They entered the ball and signed in with Snape. The room was large with towering ceilings, dimly lit, and with a large dance floor. There were instruments playing themselves and couples waltzing.

"I don't want to dance yet," Millicent decided. "Lets go get food, Vincent."


Vincent followed Millicent to the gigantic buffet table. She seemed interested in the steaks.

"Theo and I are going to go dance. Are you coming, Pansy?" Tracey asked.

"In a minute," Pansy responded. "I'd like to take a look around."

Pansy let Blaise do whatever as she wandered. She saw Slytherins sitting at tables, talking, eating, flirting, and some were even kissing already. She made a face at that. The ball had just started, jeez. Why even come? Just stay behind if you're going to do that, nobody wants to see that.

"Miss Parkinson, may I speak with you for a moment?"

Pansy nodded to Flitwick - Snape couldn't supervise all of Slytherin by himself, so he called in his least hated fellow teachers. Pansy followed Flitwick to the wall.

"I was informed of your condition by Professor Dumbledore. He thinks it would be of use for you to learn some extra charms so as not to be detected. What do you think?"

"That would be great, actually," Pansy responded. "I'm afraid my roommate might be starting to catch on to my disappearances."

Flitwick grinned. "Great. Stay behind after Charms on Monday. You have a free period after, yes?"

"Yes sir."

"Excellent. Enjoy the ball."

Flitwick left Pansy to continue her wandering. She made her way slowly to the instruments and requested an excerpt from her favorite ballet, Cinderella. The instruments nodded. They'd play the ballroom scene from the ballet next.

Satisfied, Pansy returned to Blaise just as the excerpt started. "Lets dance."

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