Chapter Thirty Five

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Pansy was extremely not happy.

First of all, the new room that she was supposed to stay in with Hermione had been paused, so she kept having to sleep in the lake, and now that Hermione had accepted her, it was driving her crazy to not be close enough to Hermione when she slept. Even worse was that they both had to go home for the Easter holidays, so they were way too far apart.

Going off of that, Pansy's father was losing his mind. He seemed to be slowly realizing that Pansy had not been lying when she told him of her curse, especially when news was sent to him of his wife's murder by mermaid. So now Pansy was certain that by summer she would be homeless. Fantastic.

Third of all, Millicent and Blaise were refusing to speak to her. Pansy was more pissed than hurt, but she just couldn't figure out the reason for Millicent's hatred of gays. Blaise apparently seemed to know, but he wasn't talking to her because she didn't tell him about her curse, and Tracey couldn't force it out of either of them.

Currently, Pansy was resting against the side of the lake while Tracey sat with her feet in the water. Pansy had started wearing a bathing suit to sleep in, so no one would get embarrassed if they saw her. She didn't know why she hadn't done that before.

"I don't know what to do, Tracey," Pansy admitted. "I hate that Millie won't just talk to me."

Tracey nodded. "It's upsetting, really. She's starting to distance herself from me too, now that I've been prodding her for you."


"Don't apologize; I want to know almost as much as you do." Tracey looked back towards the castle. "Here comes Hermione."

"Must be almost curfew then," Pansy said in disappointment. She wished Tracey could have stayed longer. She was her only friend now. This really was a curse.

"I guess that means I need to head back," Tracey said. "I'll work on Blaise for a while. I think he'll be easier to get back on your side once he gets over himself."

"Okay. Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight." Tracey stood and picked up her shoes as she left. She nodded politely to Hermione as she passed her and Hermione nodded back.

Hermione sat down with her legs crossed at the edge of the lake. "The room is back under construction. It should be ready by tomorrow night."

"Well won't that be nice," Pansy muttered.

Hermione frowned. "Millicent and Blaise still won't talk to you?"

"No, they won't. And to make matters worse, I've had to stay in this lake all day because someone was too focused on other things to help me out with the bond that's been freaking out all break."

"Oh! I'm so sorry Pansy, I - "

"Save it, you damn chienne."

"Hey!" Hermione exclaimed. "I know what that means, Pansy, and I am not a bitch."

"Then why didn't you come see me?"

"Hagrid has a dragon egg."

Pansy's eyes widened in shock. "Seriously?! Those are illegal!"

"I know that and you know that, and he knows that!" Hermione said in exasperation. "Everyone knows it, but he has one anyway. He's going to get himself in so much trouble!"

"And you care why?"

"Because Hagrid is a wonderful man," Hermione said. "You may not like him, but he's great, alright?"

"Alright, alright. He's great, sure. Can I go to bed now?"

"Don't I need to touch you first?"

Shit. She did.

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