Chapter Twenty

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AN: Okay, so I changed the Autumn Ball from the last chapter to the Winter Ball because I realized I had messed the timeline up a little. Sorry! Also, there's a lot of French in this chapter and I do not speak French, so I had to use Google. It might be dreadfully incorrect due to that. Translations will be at the end.

"Christmas is just around the corner and I still have no clue who Nicolas Flamel is!" Hermione exclaimed exasperatedly. "I swear I've read the name before; why can't I remember where?!"

"Why are you looking for him?" Draco asked, munching on a sandwich.

Hermione groaned. "Ron and Harry have decided that Nicolas Flamel have something to do with what the three headed dog is guarding. You know, the whole reason we were nearly killed by the troll."

"What? Why are they telling you this and not me?! I was nearly killed by the troll too!"

Hermione shrugged sympathetically. "They've only just told me a week ago. I was going to mention it to you; I forgot. Sorry."

"It's fine," Draco sighed, knowing that it was most certainly not fine and he'd be thinking about it for weeks. "But I know who Nicolas Flamel is, if you'd like to end your little search."

"Really?" Hermione brightened. "Who is he?"

"He's one of the guys who made the Philosopher's Stone. It makes an elixir that keeps the drinker immortal. He's super old now; him and his wife take it."

"The Philosopher's Stone! I know where I read about that!" Hermione said rapidly. "I checked that book out weeks ago for a bit of light reading, not that you would think it was light, of course. How do you know about him?"

"Oh, Malfoy Manor has a huge library. I've read all sorts of things."

Hermione grinned. "Well, thank you for being a little nerd, because that's just taken a load off of my shoulders. The boys were going wild. I've never seen them read so much."

Draco tried to grin back but failed. Why hadn't they told him?

"Where did they hear the name?" He asked, trying to distract himself from the creeping feeling that came crawling up in him.

"Hagrid let it slip when he was talking about Fluffy, the three headed dog."

"Of course the brute would name a Cerberus Fluffy."

"Don't call Hagrid that," Hermione snapped. Draco flinched sharply. "He's not a brute, he's a lovely man who can't help being his size."

Draco held his hands in surrender. "Okay. Fine. Whatever."

Draco looked down at his sandwich and played with it a little. He didn't have much of an appetite anymore. First his friends decide he isn't worthy of being in their little quest and then Hermione freaks out at him and scares him shitless. He should probably mention the whole yelling thing to her, but there never seemed to be a good time to do it. Besides, Draco didn't want her to worry during Potions class. He could deal with Snape by himself, thank you very much.

"Draco? Are you alright?"

Draco sighed and shook his head. "Just a little disappointed that nobody told me anything."

Hermione looked guilty. "I meant to tell you, I did, honestly."

"It's fine," Draco lied. "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed."

"You sound like my parents," Hermione said in disgust.

Draco shrugged. "It's true though."

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