Chapter Six

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It was their fourth flying lesson today. Draco, though he loved flying, hated the actual lessons. Why? Well, firstly, he wasn't allowed to just fly. No, there were strict rules and breaking them could result in expulsion, which was utterly ridiculous. He had learned to fly before he was even potty trained, so he had almost no chance of injuring himself or someone else. These lessons should be optional, really. He would love to have a free period while all the uneducated students learned how to do what was second nature to him. Secondly, they had flying lessons with the Slytherins. Honestly, it kind of hurt to see them acting as though he never existed, besides for a few stolen glances from Pansy. Draco would almost rather they were throwing insults at him. At least then they'd be acknowledging his presence. Thirdly, in these lessons he had a hard time keeping his mouth shut. Once you know how to do something it seems painfully obvious, so anyone that can't figure it out, namely, Neville Longbottom, appears to be the most incomprehensibly incompetent fool to have ever existed. Draco had to keep Hermione in his head to remind him that he had no right to make his opinions on the subject known. Neville simply had less of an opportunity to learn beforehand than he did. Perfectly understandable, really, given his circumstances.

That didn't explain why Harry and Hermione were doing just fine, of course.

Despite his hatred of flying lessons, Draco kept an impassive expression as he walked with his group outside to where Madam Hooch was waiting. One of the few advantages of a pureblood background - he could choose whether to show his emotions or not, as long as they weren't too strong. By the end of the lesson he was bound to have someone asking what was wrong. It was rather annoying, actually. He'd rather just hurry up to the dorm and explode and repair his pillow a few times to release his anger. He hated talking about his emotions; he had never been allowed to before, so it was a bit of a sore subject. The pillow thing was something Draco had learned from his ex-godfather, actually, when he accidentally exploded a couch cushion and ran to him in a panic. If his ex-mother found out what he had done he would have been punished severely. Outbursts of emotion were strictly not allowed. His ex-godfather, recognizing his peril, decided to help him and taught him how to repair a pillow quickly and easily. Thus, his favorite form of stress relief had been discovered.

When Madam Hooch finally told them what they would be doing that day, Draco had to bite back a groan of disappointment. They were to line up, and one by one take one lap around the area at whatever pace was comfortable and come back down. One lap! That was it?! It was the forth day for Merlin's sake! Sure, there were people who probably couldn't even handle that but Draco could handle so much more than that. His ex-father had been training him to be a Seeker ever since Draco became the skinny little boy that he is. There was a lot he could do that most people here couldn't even attempt. However, instead of making that remark, he 'accidentally' bumped into Hermione as a physical reminder of his place and got into line behind her and before Harry. Hermione didn't react to this. She had told Draco he could bump into her if he needed to, because sometimes a mental reminder just wasn't enough, or so she said. Draco could really see no difference, but Hermione had insisted, so he was doing it.

Hermione was sixth in line, so it was her turn fairly quickly. She commanded the broom up, and it stuttered, but flew up into her hand. She mounted, took off, and flew a neat - but slow - lap around the pitch. She landed and smiled to Draco, Ron, and Harry before going to stand with the others that had already completed the lap.

Draco looked to Madam Hooch for the signal to begin. She looked up from her clipboard, made a note of who was next, and then turned her owl eyes back to him and nodded.

"Up!" Draco commanded. The broom instantly flew into his hand. He swung his leg over it and pushed off. Finally. It felt so good to be flying. He zoomed as fast and he could around the designated area, preferring to have a short thrill than a prolonged air time. He landed gracefully and nodded to Harry and Ron as he walked off towards Hermione.

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