Chapter Thirty Four

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AN: Heeeeeeeeeey so I haven't updated in like a month, sorry about that. I've been super busy. Here's a longer chapter to apologize. Another longer chapter will be posted at some point in the very near future, I promise.

"Ron, get up!" Draco yelled.

"Mate, stop it," Ron grumbled.

"No. You're going to miss breakfast and you know how you are when you're hungry."

Ron rolled over and pulled his blanket up further. "No."

Draco picked up his wand and winked at Harry, who realized what he was about to do and muffled a laugh. "You know what would get you up?"

No answer.

"A nice drink of water. Aguamenti!"


Draco and Harry burst out laughing as Ron shot out of bed.

"You bloody git!" Ron shouted. "That was not funny!"

"Yes it was," Draco said. "It so was." Harry nodded his agreement.

Ron looked around the room as he shook his hair out. "Where are the others?"

"At breakfast. Now move!"

Ron stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him.

"You can go," Harry said, sitting down. "I'll wait for him."

Draco nodded and hurried down the stairs. He was starving, and he really wanted some french toast. He walked through the nearly empty Common Room and paused by the portrait hole. He heard someone else coming through and didn't feel like having to maneuver around them.

Abruptly, Draco found himself staring at an extremely wet Hermione. She was shivering and had a towel that bore the Parkinson crest around her shoulders.

"Alright, what happened?"

Hermione smiled sheepishly. "I fell in the lake."

"And how did you do that?"

"Pansy startled me."

Draco looked up at the ceiling. "But why were you at the lake in the first place?"

Hermione played with the towel in her hands. "I... I don't know. I felt like I had to be, I guess."

Draco groaned. "This whole thing is so weird, Hermione."

"You're not even the one who spent the night outside on the ground."

"You slept on the ground?!"

Hermione smiled a little. "I had to."

Draco rubbed his face and sighed. "Whatever. You're going to miss breakfast at this rate."

"Yeah, I know. See you in History."

Hermione made her way up the stairs to the girls' dorm and Draco rolled his eyes as he continued on his way towards some delicious french toast. For some reason, the tables always seemed to have a plate of whatever he wanted on them, so he was fairly certain that there would be french toast.

After breakfast, where there was indeed french toast, Draco gathered his books and walked towards the History of Magic classroom. He was really not looking forward to this class. The information itself was kind of cool, but the way it was conveyed was not.

Draco sat down in his usual spot in the back and spread out his stuff to take up the two chairs next to him. Seats in the back were obviously the most wanted by all but Hermione, so whoever from their friend group showed up first (usually Draco) had to save seats for the others or they'd be taken. It wasn't that Draco didn't want to pay attention, but he usually ended up fooling around with Harry and Ron and just reading the book later. It only took him about half an hour to read it anyway, so he considered it worth it and enjoyed his hour of doing nothing productive.

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