Chapter Twenty Two

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Draco said goodbye to Hermione and awkwardly followed Fred and George off of the train as they met up with Percy. Ron had decided to stay back at Hogwarts with Harry, which Draco would have loved to do, but he felt too awkward as they were clearly best friends so here he was.

"Hello, boys!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, hurrying to hug her sons. "And you must be Draco!"

Draco nodded carefully. He hoped she didn't try to hug him. He wasn't particularly fond of hugs from strangers.

Thankfully, she didn't hug him, though she did ruffle his hair, which made him frown because he had spent a while on that, excuse you lady. He tried his best to smooth it out.

"Come along, boys, your father is waiting with his car."

"Car? As in, a muggle car?" Draco asked in shock.

"Yeah, but it flies," Fred said. "Mum, how are we all going to fit?"

Mrs. Weasley shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I don't know, dear. Perhaps we'll put the luggage in the car and I'll Apparate us home while your father goes for a drive."

Draco nodded in relief. Apparation he could deal with. Flying cars, he could not.

Draco reached a finger into Errol's cage to rub his feathers as they walked through the wall. Errol nuzzled into the hand and hooted sleepily. The train ride had tired the poor old thing out.

Draco looked the car over as they approached. He had no clue what kind of car it was, but it looked pretty beat up. Probably how the Weasleys had been able to afford it.

"Good afternoon, boys," Mr. Weasley greeted. Draco looked between him and Percy. Yeah, they did look similar. So the Prefect wasn't the result of an affair. Shame. That would have been too good.

"Hello, Draco," Mr. Weasley greeted him, catching Draco off guard. "Where's Ron?"

"I already told you," Mrs. Weasley answered. "He stayed back at Hogwarts with his friend Harry."

"Oh. Well then, Draco, I guess you'll have a room all to yourself. Hop in!"

"No no no," Mrs. Weasley argued. "I'm not having my boys fly in that thing, and I really wish you wouldn't either. Just drive it normally."

Mr. Weasley pouted. "But I'm sure that it'll be fine!"

"I don't care. Drive it back or leave it here. Boys, put your luggage in."

Draco stuffed his trunk in with the others and took the sleeping Errol out of his cage. He carefully cradled the owl in his left arm and grabbed onto George with his right hand.

"Ready?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Yes Mum," the Weasley boys chanted.

Draco held his breath and felt the Apparation throw him around. He tightened his grip on Errol as the owl awoke and flapped in terror.

"Shh, you're okay," Draco soothed.

They landed outside of what looked like five shacks stacked atop one another. Draco grimaced but forced his face into a neutral expression. No need to insult the host, especially when the host was being so nice to him.

Errol flapped into the air and slowly made his way through an open window. Draco wondered where Athena was.

He followed the Weasleys through the front door and looked around. It seemed bigger on the inside, thank goodness, and though it was cluttered and ratty, it did give off a very homey air that welcomed Draco with open arms.

Disowned (Drarry/Pansmione)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن