"I can't wait either but 'Mama's hand' is definitely Paisley's favourite" I grin at her. Cheryl is being very ambitious with this album,she has high hopes for it and I think that it will do very well because she is really putting her heart and soul into it. She has always wanted a collaboration with the one and only Calvin Harris and now she has one in the works so i am beyond pleased for her. I am pretty sure that it will be a banger, all of her collaborations are because she knows everything about what makes a good song. She knows who people want to listen to and who they don't so she knows who to work with and who not to.

"Where is Paisley?"

"She's in the living room watching those stupid YouTube videos on her iPad-"

"She isn't" Joan says and turns around. "I've just been in there and the little bugger has made a mess of the place but she was nowhere to be seen"

"She better not be trying to 'dye' her hair pink with that mouthwash again" Cheryl panics and stands up to go over to the kitchen door so Paisley can hear her when she calls her name. "Paisley, what are you doing?" She shouts when she doesn't get a reply.

"I'll go and see what she is up to" Joan insists and goes off to see where she is.

Cheryl puts on Alaina's trainers and admires her whole little outfit. "Look at her shoes, how cute are they!" She is almost bursting with excitement as she shows off the tiny nike air max on our baby's feet. They are the same colour as her little tracksuit that Cheryl put on her earlier.

"Oh my God, youre turning our child into a baby chav"

"Nar, she looks mint, doesn't she mam?"

"Proper belter" Joan smiles and ruffles Alaina's hair. "You should see what Paisley has done to the sink up there"

"She hasn't been painting it with toothpaste again has she?"

"I'm afraid so but she isn't upstairs"

"Where the hell is she then?" Cheryl stands up again and she shouts her name. She shouts so loud that Paisley hears and sheepishly comes into the kitchen from the backdoor and her uniform is covered in mud.

"Look at the state of you, what've you been doing?" Cheryl asks her but Paisley says nothing, she just looks at her and shrugs her shoulders because i specifically told her not to go outside this morning because i knew that she would make a mess of her uniform, which she has. "You're going to have to put your school shoes on now, look at the state of your wellies, they're covered in mud"

"I don't want to, they hurt my feet-"

"They fit perfectly, we got your feet measured, remember?" I add but she just shrugs her shoulders again, then her face lights up with an idea.

"I'll go and get the hose pipe and i'll get the mud off"

"No you don't! I don't think that's a good idea after the time you flooded our garden, do you? Give me your boots and go upstairs and change your jumper, i'll do it" I sigh and she kicks off her wellies and skips out of the kitchen to go upstairs. "I bet she was playing that game where she jumps off the trampoline and into the puddles that little paddling pool left on the grass"

"Give them here, i'll give them a good clean and you get a cuppa down you" Joan tells me but i shake my head and keep ahold of the dirty wellies.

"No Joan. You have not stopped all morning, I will clean them. Have you even had any breakfast yet?"

Joan shakes her head and takes the boots from me. Clearly she ignored everything i said because she is still insisting that she will clean them. She is too nice at times. I don't want her to think that i am taking advantage of her but there is nothing that i can do to get her to stop her running around the house dusting, polishing and cleaning. "I'll do it. I hate sitting around doing nothing, i like to keep busy" and with that she is outside with the hose pipe in her hand.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now