Chapter 29 - Dragonspire Keep

Start from the beginning

Let's hope that spark can finally bring us peace.

The Architect may not have heard that thought she just had, but he could see it in her silver eye. Oscar looks at Kragen as he approaches the two of them, and he stands up. Ruby proceeds to do the same, setting her cup of coffee down on the step, approaching him as he walks with his staff in his hand. The other Silver Eyed Warrior returns to where he was, training away with her allies. "Apologies, some of our warriors here are still in need of guidance at times. I have made an oath to help all who ask for it." Kragen explains, humbly as he sets the staff down like a cane, holding it in that pose.

"It's okay...we came here to talk to you, though." Ruby explains, rather timidly. Kragen raises his brow and he stands there, both hands pressed upon the staff's head.

"Ah? And what have you come to speak with me about?" He inquires; the Architect stands back up and looks at them both as they look at each other. Where to start? They have learned so much since they last spoke with him, but they feel like they should start at the most important and recent event.

"We found another Visionary Book – in the Vault underneath Shade Academy in Vacuo." Ruby informs him, and she can see the change in his expression.

It has gone from kind greeting to fully piqued interest, and he gently gestures his head to follow him. The four of them walk towards the entrance of the Keep, and they walk across the green fields that stretch out for miles. Patches of white snow scattered across the mountain ranges and they step across the ancient stones left behind from a prehistoric era. Kragen stops by the edge of the grasslands, looking out at the cliff face and the ocean that strikes waves against the cliffs. The mountains are at the very edge of the ocean, huge waves crashing into them, bangs echo for miles as the tonnes of water impact. His robes blow in the wind as he stands there, Ruby and Oscar look at the Architect and then at him.

"Kragen?" They ask him.

He stays quiet a moment more before turning to them. "What did you see?" He asks in return, and Oscar looks at Ruby. For she is the one that actually accessed it and the files of memory stored within the pages. Remembering the mysterious whispers that called out to her across the Vault itself to pique her own interest. She looks at Oscar and he nods, the Architect leans against the cobblestone wall and crosses his arms.

"I saw the Knights...before they became what they are now...I saw them capture Fury and..." She stammers, and Kragen fully turns to face her and he waits for her response.

"Take your time; it is never easy to comprehend the power that those Books wield." Kragen avows, which makes Ruby feel much better. She closes her eye, seeing the terrifying sight of Vir Nominis Umbra once more. His piercing red eyes that flashed as he stared directly into her eyes. The smirk he gave her, the nightmarishly kind voice that he had at the time. And yet behind it there was something much more sinister, like another monster that was using that voice, that body, as a disguise.

"I saw that moment – from the Fable of the Knights of Grimm...the cobblestone road...the merchant." Ruby explains, reminiscing when Kassius told the tale to them when they were all reunited in Mistral five years ago. Before it all fell apart and the Knights reduced that once great city to an abandoned ruin for their foes to use as a hiding spot. Kragen looks at her, and there is that look of recognition and he turns back to the ocean that crashes against the mainland over and over again. His trimmed grey beard ever so slightly moves as the wind brushes against his face. "Sir..." Ruby sweetly says, even calling him sir when he never asks those to call him that. "What does it all mean? These books?" She asks him, and he sighs, exhaling cold air as he looks out, closing his silver eyes. Oscar raises a brow and he reaches out to the Silver Eyed Knight of Old.

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