Chapter 27 - A Knight's Memory

Start from the beginning

Then the shards all begin to take shape around her, hardening and changing colours into the brown wood that makes up the body of the ship. It is incredible, she can evil feel the air and the floor, as she bends down and touches it with her fingers. She can feel the indentations in the craftsmanship of the ship. There is carpet on the ground as well, along with a mirror on the wall and multiple cupboards as well. The door is shot, most likely locked as well, and Ruby walks towards the window of the room that she is inside of. She presses her hand against the wood, looking out at the ocean that is before them. Cloudless skies and no signs of any Grimm Activity in the oceans either.

Then she hears the voices again, a young woman's giggling laughter and a man's. She turns to the bed, only just now noticing all the clothes that are on the floor. She sees the couple that share the bed, fully unclothed after they had their fun. The woman is beautiful with large blue eyes and ice white hair, snuggled up to the man who has his arm around her, gently caressing her back. She has no scars on her body unlike him, who has multiple on his chest, back and arms. Even a couple on his face. He has dark black hair and green eyes, then Ruby realises when he sees a Sword and a Bow leant against each other on the wall. Her eyes widen when she sees them and figures it all out.

It is Death and Loss...

Or as they were known before they became the Knights of Grimm – Krekras Blackridge and Starla Schnee.

Ruby never expected this, for them to be having a romantic relationship together, but then she remembered...they both had spouses already. Starla has children at this point in her life, and yet they both were having an affair together. But this clearly was not some sort of fling; they clearly have been in love with each other for some time. The looks in their eyes and the smiles on their faces proves that. Otherwise they would have been having sex due to physical attraction, nothing more than that. She listens to what they both say to each other, and Starla has such a tender voice. "Well...I didn't expect that..." She giggles.

"Well, you know me...always like to surprise." He flirtatiously smirks as he looks at her.

"Oh yeah?" Starla asks him, he leans in to kiss her, until they hear the intercom blaring. It is strange, the boat looks old fashioned, but it has technology that is higher than anything that they have. These boats are capable of turning into Submarines at a moment's notice, but they kept the old fashioned style instead of making it look all futuristic.

"Vanguards! On deck." The voice of the captain demands. They both sigh, disappointed that their fun has come to a close for this day. Ruby looks away when they both get out of the bed and pick their clothes up and putting them on. She looks out at the ocean, then she realises where she is. Her eyes widen due to never wanting to see the place ever again. The storm barrier surrounds the islands to even back here. Clouds swirl around the islands where Axzura fled from them.

"The Volcanic Chain Isles..." Ruby whispers with disbelief when she sets her eyes on the location. The flashes of lightning flicker for miles and miles. The waves continue to slam into the outer hull of the vessel over and over again, echoing through the ship and across the ocean itself. Ruby turns when she hears the door open, and Krekras has the door open, letting Starla walk through first. Of all the people to be cheating on their family, she never would have expected Starla Schnee, a Schnee to do so...then again...Willow Schnee did with James Ironwood.

Weiss would never do something like that, she is better than that.

Ruby follows them into the hallway of the ship. It is quite tight and she walks into one of the Arkhoni Crewmates, literally passing straight through him. At the end of the day, she is just watching these events, only walking around in the memory. She cannot affect anything that she sees happen before her. The smell of the ship is quite repulsing, all the scents of fish being held in the cargo bay and multiple men and women serving on it leads to a rather disgusting scent in places. She walks past more and more crewmates, following the two Vanguards as she stands onto the deck. There are soldiers onboard with their weapons in their hands, ready to battle anything that comes their way. Ruby even notices that the same Warden that was trapped on the islands when she and the others were there is still on this ship. She never did see it, but she remembers the descriptions that they told her about. The ancient mechanical guard that was trapped under some branches in a river just woke up.

The Knights of Grimm - Act 3 - Shattered MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now