They went towards the Old fountain. When they arrived there was a hooded figure.

Tai and the others were cautious.

Hooded Figure: You seek the clue, Fine it near the avenue of blue.

Tai: What?

Qrow: Why so crpyptic.

Raven had enough of this. She drew her sword dashing towards the Hooded figure. Before the blade got strike, the Hooded figure Revealed a tablet. Showing Ruby and Yang in shackles.

Hooded Figure: I wouldn't do that, If I were you. Don't know what might happen to them.

Raven: *Tsk* Fine.

Hooded Figure: I reveal a clue but a trade must be given.

Tai: What trade.

Hooded Figure: Hahahahahahaha, I'm so glad you asked. That would be, Your hand.

STRQ: What.

Hooded Figure: One hand for a clue, A good trade for the safety of your child right.

Summer: You maniac.

Tai: You monster.

Hooded Figure: No clue then!

Qrow: I'll do it.

Summer: No qrow.

Qrow: I'm doing this for my nieces. For them to suffer such a fate.

Qrow stepped forward.

Hooded Figure: You want to make a trade?

Qrow: Yes.

Hooded Figure: Stick out your hand.

Qrow sticked out his hand, the figure started by pouring acid on his hand.

Qrow: AHHHH FUCK. *Ssssss*

Summer could not bear to watch.

A rusty sickle was the revealed.

Hooded Figure: Let the sawing commence. You might get Tetanus.

Qrow: Wait what.

Hooded figure hooked Qrow's wrist with the sickle. it took multiple hooks and pulls but soon the hand came off. During the process.

Hooded Figure: It is done. The tape is behind the old shed that's painted blue. 

Tai: That was it.

Hooded Figure: Yup.

Qrow: Fuck, ah. 

Hooded Figure: For your Selflessness, I shall guide you. you may also here the voices of your nieces. But only you.

Qrow: Heh thanks.

Hooded Figure: No problem.

Qrow: Who're you anyway.

Hooded Figure: Just call me "L"

Qrow: Alright then.

Soon the group arrived at the shed. Where the second clue was.

Recording starts

Be here, 2 weeks from now. 8.30pm.

Recording ends

Tai: That's it. Qrow gave up his hand for that.

Qrow: That's it.

Summer: What?

Raven was silent.

Qrow: L, what's the meaning of this.

The hooded figure was gone.

Let's Play A Game (A RWBY Cheater story)Where stories live. Discover now