Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Anissa POV:

We all began to think that the

stalker kid had decided to leave us alone. I mean he hasn't done anything for four days now. Well at least hoped he was done with us.

He requested One Direction alone in his grasp, cut me when he didn't get his way, then finally killed my boyfriend as a punishment. He clearly wanted the boys for a reason and wasn't leaving without them. Most likely the man was laying low after Aaron's death. The police would be suspicious and on their guards. I just don't know what he wanted.

In the mean time, I was enjoying the boys company. We just chilled for the last three days, spending time with each other. It was nice to relax and keep Harry and I's relationship under wraps. The boys had even pushed their flights back to spend more time with me.

I was SO excited for my best friends to come back from their families. Normally, the four other girls stayed with my mom and I in our huge house. But it was the Forth of July weekend and they had left to see their families.

Their names were Heidi, Holly, Hannah, and Sara. Heidi and Holly were twins and they both had bright blue eyes that were speckled with crystals of grey. They also had golden blonde hair that reached their shoulder blades. Sara had bright green eyes like mine but hers had flecks of gold that shimmered in the sun. She had long dark brown hair that was waiver than mine. Honestly, if I had a sister she would most likely look JUST like Sara. Lastly my other best friend Hannah, had shoulder length red hair that flounced in locks. Hannah's bright curls complimented her color changing eyes. Most of the time her eyes were a misty blue that resembled diamonds.

All my friends were drop dead gorgeous. Honestly, I lucked out with them. They were ALWAYS there for me and helped me through my toughest times. I smiled to myself.

Today they were coming back to meet the boys and we were all headed for the beach. The boys had generously offered to get round-trip tickets to California so we could go to a warm beach. Of course they were rich so they didn't see it as a big deal, but it meant a lot to the girls and I.

I finished packing my stuff and got up to turn off my bedroom lights. As I got to the door, it swung open revealing a shirtless Harry smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and grinned at the silly boy. He could've at LEAST put on something besides boxers.

Harry leaned down to kiss me and I ducked away from him. He frowned and looked at me confused.

"Our first kiss is gonna have to be more romantic than this. I'm not gonna sit here and snog you for the first time while you only wear your BOXERS." I huffed. He clearly didn't consider how important a first kiss was. He grabbed my hands and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry love. I didn't realize how much a first kiss meant to you. But I would have to take that as a challenge." Harry smirked. I lifted one eyebrow at him confused.

"Our first kiss will be AMAZINGLY ROMANTIC! You just see!" Harry yelled childishly. I giggled and pulled my boyfriend into a hug. He smiled and squeezed me tightly. He took my hand and pulled me into my room. Harry sat on my bed and took my bag.

"Liam said to get you ready. We're leaving soon." Harry said laying down on my bed with his arms behind his head.

I snickered and layed next to the British lad.

"What?" Harry asked me curiously. I giggled some more and he faced me.

"You have hairy armpits." I said laughing.

"Oh yeah?" I nodded. Harry was silent for a minute before shoving his arm in my face causing me to scream. I jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs screaming

"Keep your hairy pits to yourself Styles!"


A/N sorry for a boring chapter. Just had to point out my new characters and more cuteness between Hanissa. ;)

Hanni x

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