(Remy x Deceit/ Receipt) afraid of the dark

Start from the beginning

He was having a panic attack.

It felt as though someone, or something, was squeezing all the air out of his chest. He couldn't inhale or exhale, his chest was tight, it hurt. This wasn't right.

He shouldn't be able to feel this way. Right?

“Come on doll, breathe for me, you can do it. Deep slow breaths, you're okay.” Once again, the same soothing voice spoke to him. Although, a bit muffled.

When he came to, he realized something else. He was in someone's arms, arms were wrapped securely around him, holding him together, keeping him from falling apart all over again. He let out a shuddering breath and took a deep, shaky breath, one stabler than the last. Remy sighed, the others made sure to keep their distance, all knowing that Remy had it all under control.

Remy parted from the embrace and looked Deceit in the eye. “Can you stand hun?” he asked curiously, a small worried frown tugged at his lips. Deceit nodded and, with the help of Remy, got to his feet. Remy held him steady, hands gripping onto his forearms. “You're shaking.” Remy whispered under his breath, Deceit dropped his gaze to his feet. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react that way, it was a reflex. I shouldn't have—” Remy quickly cut off his anxious rambling. “Hey hey hey, cool it babes you're okay.” He assured.

Deceit lifted his gaze, Patton and Roman were both trying their best not to squeal and fanboy. Remy frowned over at the pair and rolled his eyes. “Come on, let's get you something to calm you down okay?” he cooed and led him over to the kitchen, Deceit sat himself down at the table and picked at the table cloth. Remy searched through the cabinets of the kitchen and eventually pulled out the coffee maker from one of the top shelves.

He smiled over to Deceit who slightly flinched at the action, he then frowned and looked over his shoulder to see if he were smiling at someone else, there was no one. He turned his head back, Remy laughed. “That was meant for you dummy.” He claimed and set up the coffee machine. “This is my baby, no one else is allowed to touch it or my coffee. But for you I'll make an exception.” He winked, Deceit flushed red and looked away once more.

Minutes later a steaming mug of coffee was placed in front of him, he looked down at his mug and then back up at Remy who smiled and sat next to him, his own coffee was wrapped in his hands. “I-I don't know...” he stammered out. His hands were still trembling, his nerves were a bit unstable. Remy realized his mistake and slid his mug away. “Yeah, maybe you should lay off the coffee for now.” He muttered and returned to the counter and shelves.

Remy hummed in thought before he came up with a solution and hurriedly got to work. Soon enough a different mug was set in front of the jittery trait. Deceit eyed the liquid in the mug, a small confused frown tugged down at his lips. “It's Chamomile tea, it'll help calm you down.” Remy explained as he settled himself into the seat. Deceit quietly thanked him before he took the mug into his hands and took a small sip.

As they both drank their beverages they talked and got to know each other better.

And for a moment, Deceit was finally able to feel accepted.

And something else...

His heart was filled with something warm and cozy. It felt nice.

“So,” Remy started. “You're afraid of the dark?” he hummed. Deceit pursed his lips and slowly nodded. “It's childish, I know, but I can't help it.” He gripped onto his arm, squeezing it tight. “I hate the dark, I don't want to go back. I betrayed them, I'm evolving, just how Virgil is.” By now he mostly spoke to himself. Remy took his hand, he didn't know who he was taking about, but if he were to ever meet them he'd definitely beat them to a pulp for hurting the poor trait. Deceit snapped out of his daze. “You're exhausted, aren't you?” He stated, Deceit sighed and visibly sagged, finally allowing himself to give into his exhaustion. “Very.” He replied in a low mumble.

“Honey you're in desperate need of some sleep. Come on, you can sleep with me, just don't get any ideas okay?” The sassy trait joked. Deceit quickly shook his head, obviously flustered. “I-I wouldn't! I—” he stumbled with his words, Remy laughed and told him that he was just messing with him. He found it quite entertaining, and appeasing.

Deceit was pretty cute when he was flustered.

Eventually the pair found themselves in Remy's room, it had a nice cozy feel to it, the dim lights really did the trick, it almost resembled a cafe. And for some reason it had a faint smell of coffee beans. Remy pushed Deceit onto the bed and sat at the edge. “Don't worry beautiful, I'll be here.” He promised. Deceit allowed himself to relax and hesitantly curled up into a ball, a position in which he always slept in, something he had to get used to to avoid getting hurt.

Not even seconds later, he was out like a light. Remy cherished the insanely adorable sight. Deceit looked so calm as he slept, undisturbed and vulnerable. It almost made Remy want to embrace him and keep him in his arms forever.

Deceit hummed softly in his sleep and unconsciously reached out for something. Or rather, someone. He weakly felt around the bed until Remy took his hand. In an instant Deceit calmed down and continued his calm and quiet slumber. A long content sigh of relief escaped his lips. Remy smiled and leaned down to press a kiss against his cheek. “Sleep well darling. I'll be here when you wake up.”

He cautiously lied himself down beside him. “I promise.”

As the nigh dragged on Remy soon fell asleep, and together both sides slept. Remy had an arm draped over Deceit, and when Patton had went to check up on them he went absolutely berserk.

But that really didn't matter. Because for the first time, Deceit was finally able to sleep in peace, in the arms of someone that cared for him.

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