Part 38- Tom's Birthday

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The morning of Tom's birthday I texted him a cute little paragraph.

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I went to my closet and found the dress that Tom likes so much

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I went to my closet and found the dress that Tom likes so much. It was my sheer black dress with stars on it.

He loved it because of the stars and my name coinciding with it

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He loved it because of the stars and my name coinciding with it. He was very cute and cheesy like that. I got ready for Tom's small party at the restaurant the boys picked out for him. They wouldn't tell me anything so I would be just as surprised as Tom would be. I grabbed my present for Tom and went downstairs. "All dolled up for Tom's birthday, I see" Dad said.  I smiled, "of course Dad!" My response as sassy as ever. Harrison soon followed behind me with his present in hand and wearing a nice shirt with black slacks. "Look at you all dressed up for Tom's birthday" Dad said to Harrison. I laughed, "of course Dad!" Harrison replied. My Dad and I looked at each other and laughed. Soon my mom came down stairs and we were ready to meet up with the Holland's to start Tom's birthday activities. We walked over to the Holland's, I fixed my hair before my mother knocked on the door. Nikki opened the door and let us inside. "Look at you guys!" She said looking at our outfits as each of us walked in.

When I came through the door she stopped me and spun me around. "And look at my future daughter-in-law, wow!" She said. My face turned red and my eyes bugged out. Even then, everyone thought Tom and I would last forever. It was crazy to think how many people supported our relationship. Now I'm just a friend to the Holland's, no more future daughter-in-law. It's all my fault. Soon the boys started coming down stairs and Tom was the last one down. He went over to Harrison and hugged him, the way that guys hug each other, practically beating each other's backs. "Happy birthday lad" Haz said to Tom. "Thanks man" Tom said letting go of Harrison. Tom turned and faced me, his eyes got big and his face turned red. All I could think was "that if he's like that now, who knows what our wedding day is gonna be like." He came over to me and hugged me tightly, kissing my head while still embracing me in his arms. "You look absolutely stunning" he whispered into my ear. "Thank you, you look very handsome yourself" I told him and we parted. "Why thank you love" he responded. He walked to stand beside me and grabbed my hand. "Well should we start our day of celebrating Tom" Dom asked. "Yes!" we all exclaimed. "Off to the first destination!" Sam said walking towards the door.

We drove to Top Golf which was one of Tom's favorite places. We all tried to beat Tom, but we just couldn't. I had no chance because Tom had to come over and show me how to swing. It was like one of those scenes in movies you always see when a girl doesn't know how to do something. The boy casually wraps his arms around hers and slowly tells and shows her how to do it. I got better and better each time but I still couldn't get over the fact of Tom showing me how. After Top Golf, we went to dinner at Tom's favorite fast food place. We all ate and talked about Tom's skill at golfing and Tom's past birthdays. After dinner we went to a car dealership, where Tom got his first birthday present from his parents. "Alright Tom, you can pick any car in an acceptable price range" Dom told him. "OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING THANK YOU" Tom excitedly responded. Tom grabbed my hand and the boys followed along going to cars showing Tom the expensive ones. "What about that red one over there" Haz asked. Tom, Haz and I walked over to it and looked inside. It was a nice "first car". Wasn't too nice but nice enough. "I think I like this one" Tom said. His parents walked over and approved of the car. We spent time waiting while his parents bought him the car.

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