Part 54- Mile High Club

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After Tom and I ate lunch we stopped by my house to get a new weeks worth of clothes for me to wear while staying with Tom. I couldn't believe that Tom was able to get this all together. My parents told me goodbye and Harrison walked out with us to Tom's car. We loaded the car with our luggage and drove back to the airport to leave. I told Harrison all about my scholarship and he was grossed out about how I was able to get that scholarship. "Haz you're just upset that you don't get love letters" Tom says as we climb into the jet. "Whatever Tom, it's also weird to hear your little sister is getting scholarships for writing about your best friend" Harrison replied back. "What about Charlotte" I ask him. "Charlotte?" Tom questions. Oops, I'm not sure if I was supposed to say that. "She's no one important" he says dismissing us. I hope she wasn't just using Haz, because I'm not afraid to slap some girl if I need to. We took our seats in the jet, I sat across from Tom. This was the first time that Tom has had a private jet to get to set. He's always had some other people in the jet or just rode with a commercial airline. It was nice to just be by ourselves not having to worry about people taking our pictures or asking us questions. I had only been doing this paparazzi thing for a couple of years now but Tom has been doing it almost his whole life. Haz took the seat next to us and the flight attendant came and asked for our drink orders as we settled in.

On the plane ride I noticed how much tanner Tom was, must be because he is outside a lot for this movie. His curls swung over his eyebrows and his deep brown eyes were captivated by his script he was studying. I loved watching him read, I could always study his face in a way that you couldn't just talking to him. He was always so focused on reading, his brow would furrow and he would bite his lip in concentration. Each freckle on his face become so much more apparent when he was reading. He looked up at me probably because he could feel me staring at him. We both smirked to each other. His eyes motioned to the bathroom and my eyes grew much bigger. It wasn't like a commercial flight where if two people joined the mile high club then no one would notice. This is a small jet plane with only seven people on it total. If two people went missing it would be pretty obvious. I look over to Harrison who's sleeping heavily in the chair and the flight attendant is on her laptop at the front of the plane. I look back at Tom who's getting up out of his chair and heading straight towards me. "No ones going to care or see and if they do who cares" he says whispering in my ear with the deepest voice I've ever heard him have. His voice was like a siren and the next thing I knew he had me up on the counter of the sink in the bathroom.

His hands were still under my bottom from when he lifted me onto the counter and I could feel him squeezing it. My hands were in his curls and his mouth was on mine. We fell into a rhythm and nothing mattered anymore. Although we didn't join the mile High club (perhaps the quarter mile high club) it was still the most perfect moment. He fixed my hair and gave me a kiss on my forehead before he left the bathroom. I composed myself a bit more, I could see my lips were swollen a tad bit and my cheeks were flushed. I smiled at myself in the mirror knowing I had the most perfect boyfriend. I came out of the bathroom and Harrison was still asleep and the flight attendant was still on her laptop. I sat down in my chair across from Tom who was also still flushed and his hair was a mess. We smiled at each other. We landed half an hour later and we drove to the set and settled into Tom's trailer. Tom told us that he had to be at set at 6 and that we could come. I was so excited to be watching Tom acting again. Tom left at 6 to go to set and Harrison and I followed shortly after. We walked to the main area that the rest of the cast members were and Tom was amongst them talking to them. I look at each actor talking to Tom, they're all so much older than him. "He's so short" Harrison says laughing. "No he's not" I giggle knowing it's the truth. "Yes he is look at him compared to that lad over there" he points to the tallest man of the group. "Haz is that Thor" I ask him. "You mean Chris Hemsworth, yea I think it is" he responds.

"TOM DIDNT TELL ME CHRIS HEMSWORTH WAS IN THIS MOVIE" I excitedly say shaking my brother by the arm. I guess Tom could hear me because he looked over towards us and motioned for us to meet him over there. I fix my dress that I had been wearing smoothing out the wrinkles and fluff my hair. Thor was my favorite Avenger and I couldn't believe that I was in the same vicinity as him. We walk over there casually and I'm shaking inside. Tom has his arm out for me to cling to once I get there. "And this gentlemen is my beautiful girlfriend Nova" he says as I wrap my arm around his waist and the other resting gently on his chest. I look up and see Chris saying "Aw" to Tom and I and I almost melted. He is so much more handsome in person. "This is her brother and also my best friend Harrison" Tom motions toward Harrison who is in awe of Chris just as much as I was. "Mr. Hemsworth, sir, Nova and I are huge fans" Haz tells him. "Well thank you but call me Chris" he responds with a deep Australian accent. We talk for a little bit before they actually start shooting scenes and Chris is just awesome. "You know Tom I'm not supposed to say anything but Marvel is doing auditions for Spiderman" he tells him. Tom's eyes got big with excitement. "Awesome I'll have to have my manager look into that, thanks man" he tells Chris. I could imagine Tom being Spiderman, he's the perfect match.

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