Part 32- He was Singing and Dancing

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The fact that falling asleep outside talking to me was one of Toms favorite things to do made me happy. I made him happy. We got up and went inside, saying bye to each other. I started my homework, putting on my favorite song. I opened up my window and blared the music. I was hoping I could catch Tom dancing and singing again.  I sat back down and began my homework. Soon I heard Toms window open. I smiled and waited to hear Tom sing. "Wouldn't It Be Nice" I heard softly. I peeked my head around my window, peering into Toms window. He was sitting at his desk, also catching up on some school work, just singing and slightly dancing along. I smiled and got out my phone. I started recording him, he had no idea. I tried to keep my laughter in, but it was hard. Tom looked up into my window and saw me recording and sang louder. I started laughing even more and tried to keep my hands still to record. He was still singing loudly and dancing even more now. My laughter only increased by each note and dance move Tom made. By the end of the song my stomach was hurting from laughing so hard, "Tom please stop, I can't stop laughing" I was saying while laughing hysterically.

Tom was laughing now at me because I was red and doubled over from laughing so much. It only made me laugh more. The song ended and I was trying to catch my breath. Tom was still laughing but not as hard. "I've never seen you laugh that hard" Tom said chuckling. "I don't think I ever have" I said, my stomach still hurting from earlier. We both giggled. I started to smile thinking about how we just made each other laugh so hard. With Tom it seemed like forever that we were laughing and having fun, but in reality it was only a song length. He made time stop but at the same time, time was moving too fast. It had almost been a year and a half of us dating and I couldn't believe it. I continued to do my homework but I didnt want to. When I was done I looked out my window to see if Tom was across the way. He was sleeping with his head down on his desk, so I grabbed my phone and took a picture. He looked so peaceful. I closed my window and got ready for school. I always liked to have everything ready the night before so I could sleep in in the morning. I went downstairs and ate lunch. I met Harrison in the kitchen. "What were you laughing at earlier? I was going to check on you but then I got scared so" he said laughing at the end. I got out my phone and showed Harrison the video of Tom.

He started laughing and I was laughing once again watching the video. I made my lunch and so did Harrison before we sat down and ate lunch together. We started talking in between bites. We hadn't talked like that for a while so it was nice to talk to my brother. We talked about his modeling career and how he thinks he has an opportunity coming up for some. I talked about school and how I wished I didn't have to go. We laughed, "I wish I didn't have to go either but we need our education. High school at least" he said laughing. Even if we didn't really talk about anything else, talking with my brother was always nice. I miss him. I wish that he would come home more often, but instead he has his acting and modeling career and when he's not doing that he's with Tom. I guess you could say I'm jealous of both Harrison and Tom. Tom gets to be with my brother and my brother gets to be with Tom. I loved when Haz came home because I could talk with someone other than Harry and Sam. Don't get me wrong I love talking to them but sometimes they're gone or just don't listen. Harry has been with Tom here recently and Sam has Elysia. So I've been pretty bored, bored enough I force Paddy to talk to me when he's around. Even Paddy has been doing more than I have. My life has been pretty boring ever since I broke up with Tom.

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