Part 37- Summers beginning

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It was Saturday morning which meant that Tom's birthday was one week away.  I went down stairs to get breakfast and say my parents sitting at the table eating, Dad was reading the newspaper and Mom was reading something on her phone. They would exchange some words while eating and their other activities. I made myself some toast and sat down at the table with them. As I started eating my breakfast, Harrison walked down stairs and started making his breakfast. "Mom, Dad, could you take me to the store today, I need to get Tom's birthday gift." I asked them. "Sure honey" Mom replied. "Me too" Harrison said, coming to the table to eat. "Well once we're all done eating, start to get ready then we'll take you guys out" Dad said. We all started talking and then when we're done, we all dispersed and got ready. I out on some blue jeans and a cute green shirt. I put my makeup on, flat ironed my hair, and brushed my teeth, now I was ready. My family went to the store where we first found Harrison's gift for Tom which was a skateboard. Later I found my gift, which was a guitar. We went home and wrapped our gifts. Just as I finished I got a text from Tom asking if we wanted to go swimming. "HAZ, YOU WANNA GO SWIMMING WITH TOM AND THE BOYS" I yelled. "SURE" he yelled back. I got my swimsuit on and grabbed my towel. Harrison met me outside our doors and we walked over to Tom's house.

The boys were already swimming by the time we got there. "C'mon love jump in" Tom told me, smiling cheekily. I took off my flip flops and ran all the way to the pool to jump in, splashing everyone. I raised up out of the water to Tom right there by me. He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me as high as he could, only to bring me right back down onto his lips. "Ugh get a room you two" Harry said. We parted and all the boys were laughing. "Y'all will know one day" Tom said smiling. I felt myself blush and decided to go under water to hide it. I came back up and Tom was out of the pool, putting on some music. "Wouldn't It Be Nice" came on and Tom ran and jumped into the pool, doing a front flip in the air before making a splash. "Let's play chicken" Haz said. We all paired up, I was with Tom, Haz was with Paddy and Harry and Sam paired up. Tom bent down to get me onto his shoulders and I leaned over and kissed his head, "don't let us fall" I told him. I got up from kissing him, "I won't Nova" Tom said. I looked out at the other people I'd be fighting. Sam and Paddy were the people on Harry and Haz's shoulders. "Ready set go" we all said in unison. Tom started running through the water towards Paddy. "Get em Nova" I grabbed Paddy's arms and he grabbed mine.

I pushed him off of Harrison pretty quickly. Then I felt Sam grabbing onto my arms trying to push me off. Tom still holding onto my legs, we turned around to face Sam and Harry. Sam was pushing hard but Tom had a good grip on my legs making sure we didn't fall. Finally Sam pushed hard enough and Tom and I fell into the water. We came back up to see Sam and Harry cheering. "Sorry love I tried" Tom said with a frown on his face. "Tom it's ok, we don't have to win all the time" I said pushing some of his hair back. "That's right, cause I win every time with you as my girlfriend" Tom said smiling. "Wow that was cheesy" I replied laughing. Tom started laughing too. "I win every time with you as my girlfriend" Sam says in a high pitched voice. Harry came over to him and hugged him and then they pretended to kiss. We all started laughing. We played a couple more games and then got out of the pool to put our towels down on the grass. We laid down on the towels and just stared up at the clouds. We all started looking at the clouds and told what we thought they looked like. Summer had officially begun and life was good. The week went by quickly and before I knew it Tom's birthday was here. I couldn't wait to see his reaction to my present I got him. I couldn't wait for him to play me songs.

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