Part 5- Birthday Goal

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I went inside and my mom was in the kitchen, "where were you" she said. "I was outside, I couldn't sleep so I went outside" I told her specifically not mentioning Tom. "Oh ok, well just be careful if you do it again" she told me. I nodded my head yes and went upstairs to get ready. After school, Harrison and I went over to the Holland's and we all did homework together. In the middle of all of us doing our homework, Tom got a call from his agent. "Yea, I would love to do that, when do I start?" He said as well all stared. "Ok thank you so much, bye" he said hanging up the phone. "What was that about" Paddy asked. "They want me to do a movie that I auditioned for the last time I was out" Tom replied. "Congrats man, whats it about" Harrison asked Tom. "A family that got hit in that bad tsunami not too long ago" he responded. "Wow that sounds cool but sad" I said. "That means you're gonna leave again doesn't it" Harrison said. "Yea I guess, but you guys should come visit me on set if you can!" He said enthusiastically. We all agreed and continued to do our homework. That night I went to bed after my shower and thought about how sad Harrison was going to be once Tom left. Then I thought about how I wouldn't have anyone to talk to when I couldn't sleep once again. Don't get me wrong, yea I have memories of Tom teasing me when we were younger and to this day, but the nights that I can't sleep, are the memories I hold close.

Months went by and finally it was my thirteenth birthday. I was finally a teenager. My family took all of us to dinner at my favorite restaurant, "Olive Garden". And by all of us I mean my family and the Holland's. Sam and Harry sit next to each other with Sam closest to me and Harrison is on the other side of me. My dad sat next to Harrison with my mom on the other side of him. Tom day across from me, sitting next to my mom and his dad with Nikki on the other side of Dom. We all ate and then our waitress brought out a cake for me. Almost the whole restaurant sang happy birthday to me. I look around the table, everyone's smiling and singing along. I move my eyes directly in front of me to see Tom smiling widely and singing, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR NOVALEE". He knew that I didn't really like to be called Novalee, so of course he did. I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck out his, right back. I open my presents from everyone and once I was done, we all got ready to leave. We headed back home and I got my pjs on and got ready for bed. As I lay in my bed, I was happy. "Today had been a good day" I say to myself. I tried to close my eyes but every time I did, all I could see was Tom sitting across from me like at dinner. I opened my eyes quickly.

I blinked a couple times and tried to close them again. Tom's face flashed in my head again. I then realized that I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. So as usual, I head outside. I didn't text Tom this time, I figured if he came out, he'd come out. Even though I didn't know if he'd be outside, I still went to the spot in the fence. As I sat down it was like a clock, Tom's back door opened and out came Tom. He stood on the back porch and looked over to the spot I was sitting at. He waved and came over. "You didn't text me" He said. "I know" I responded. "Well did you have a good birthday" he asked me. "Yea I did, even though my goal for my birthday wasn't met" I told him. He looked at me funny, "your goal" he questioned. "Yea I set a goal for myself to do by my next birthday on my birthday." I told him. "Well what was your goal" he asked. "I'm not telling you" I said crossing my arms. "Come on Nova, just tell me" he pleaded. "You're gonna think it's stupid" I replied. "No I won't," he paused, "ok maybe I will, it just depends on what it is." "Fine, I told myself that I need my first kiss by my thirteenth birthday" I said ashamed. "Really, that was your goal" he said bringing his hand to his head. "Um yea" I said laughing, "I know it's stupid." "You haven't had your first kiss yet" he asked in disbelief. "Nope I haven't" I told him. He gets on his knees and faces the fence. "Come here" He said. "What are you doing" I asked. "Just come here" he told me. I slowly move to face the fence and get on my knees. "Now I want you to get as close as you can to the fence" he said. "Tom what are you doing" I asked. "Just do what I say" he responded. I lean into the fence, my head kind of in the hole in the fence. "Close your eyes" he said. I closed my eyes fearing as to what was about to happen. "Tom" was all I could get out before I felt Tom's lips on mine. His lips were soft and all I could think about was the boy who was kissing me. He pulled away and we both sat there. "Well there's your goal" he said smiling. "Thomas Stanley I cant believe you did that" you say. He laughed and you couldn't help but laugh after you heard him.

The Boy Who Peeked Through My Fence - Tom Holland Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now