Part 12- Phone calls

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"What other movies are you going to be in" I asked him playfully. "Ahh, I don't know, it would be awesome if I was in a Spider-Man movie" he said. "That would be pretty cool" I told him. "Well sadly, I'm not, but I do have two movies lined up for me now" he replied. "Ooo what movies" I asked him. "Ones called 'How I Live Now' and the other one is 'Locke'" he responded. "When do start filming for those?" I asked him, afraid that Tom would be leaving soon. He hesitated to speak at first, "next week". I felt my heart sink a tiny bit, having Tom home has been great, I mean look where it got us. He looked up at me with a sad expression. "I'm sorry love, maybe you can visit me on set sometime" he said rubbing his thumbs together. "It's ok, I knew all of this going into the relationship. I just will have to call you because I don't know how well texting is going to help me sleep this time." I said chuckling. He started to laugh. "Ok, sounds good" he told me. "Wait a minute will you come home for my birthday" I asked. Since it was January I wanted to make sure that Tom could possibly make it for my birthday that's in May. "I'll try my best" he told me reassuringly. "Ok" I said with a smile on my face. I didn't want Tom to feel any worse about leaving than he already did.

We talked for a couple more hours before we went to bed. Right before I closed my window Tom stopped me, "I love this, I love how we talk every night no matter where we are or how we're feeling" he said smiling. "Me too, I feel like I can tell you anything" I said. "Yea, well goodnight Nova" he responded as he started to close his window. "Goodnight Tom" I said closing my window. I laid in bed and smiled. Tom couldn't be more of a perfect boyfriend. He made me smile, he made me happy, and he made me laugh. Back then, even though we were so young, I felt as though this relationship would last a while if not forever. I was wrong about forever, but I didn't know it'd be a while. The week passed and soon it was time for Tom to leave to start filming. Lucky for me, he wasn't too far so there was no time difference this time and if I wanted to visit it was about a three hour drive. Before he left, he pulled me aside and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you soon" he said before leaving. I smiled and slowly followed behind so no one would think we were doing anything. We all waved goodbye as Dom and Tom backed out of the driveway. Of course, this time it was different when he left. It wasn't only my good friend leaving me this time, it was my boyfriend. Even though he was my secret boyfriend, it still was impactful when he left.

That night I waited for everyone to fall asleep and I shut my door before I called Tom. I texted him asking if he was ready to call. My phone then started ringing. "Whoooooshhhhh" He said as he answered. "Um what are you doing" I asked. "I just opened my imaginary window" he said giggling. "Ohhh, whoooooshhh, ok I opened my window too" I said giggling at the end. We laughed together and continued to talk for hours. "Ok this is way better than texting when you're gone" I told him. "I agree" Tom replied. I soon fell asleep to Tom talking about something that happened during filming. When I woke up, I realized that he was still on the phone with me and I could hear his light snores through the phone. "Good morning Tom" I try to say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. I could hear movement over the phone but I don't think he woke up. "Good morning" I say quietly again. "What, oh, Nova?" I hear Tom on the other side of the phone. "Good morning" he said in a raspy voice. "Well I have to get ready for school, enjoy your day" I said waiting for Tom to respond. "Ok love, have a great day" he said in his raspy voice again. I smiled and hung up. As I got ready for school, I thought about how Harrison would react if he knew. I was scared for him to find out but I knew it was going to happen.

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