Part 21- The future

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We skated for a couple hours, most of the time we were falling down. I would regret skating because my butt was so sore the next day from constantly falling, but all in all it was fun. The best part was that Tom was there when I thought he wouldn't make it. We went back to our house where we opened my presents and had some cake. I loved this small circle of people I could call mine. My family, my friends, my boyfriend. My life was good, I didn't realize it then, but man, it was way easier and better. When the Holland's thought it was time to leave they all started giving me hugs and saying goodbye. The goodbye I didn't want to say, was Tom's. Who knew when I'd see him again face to face, it was weird to think that he was leaving again. He made the day feel like an eternity, but him saying goodbye made it feel like a few seconds. I hugged him tighter than I did anybody else and said goodbye, trying not to cry. After they left, I gathered my gifts that I had received and thanked my family for an amazing day. As I went up to my room, carrying my presents I heard some rattling coming from one of the boxes. I laid down the presents on my bed and started to dig through them and put some of it away. As I got to the last box, the box that was rattling earlier, I see a tiny box inside that I must have missed earlier. As I open the box there's a necklace inside with a paper airplane charm.

My face squished in confusion. I see a small piece of paler sticking out of the small box, "dear Nova, I know we may always be apart but our hearts are together. Let this paper airplane remind you of how it may be far away enough to throw the plane but still close enough to catch it. Happy birthday love. Love Tom" the paper said. He must have stuck it in there when no one was looking, after I opened my presents. I smiled. I took the necklace out of the box and clasped it around my neck, touching the charm. I immediately thought back to what the note had said and Tom. Even miles apart he still found some way to make me feel as though he was right there with me. I missed that when we were apart, his ability to make me feel not so alone. Loneliness was pretty much my worst fear, Tom didn't know but the way he made me feel it felt like he knew I didn't like being lonely. He always made sure I had someone to talk to, most of the time it was him, but when he couldn't I had his brother's and mine. I grabbed my phone and started to write out a text to Tom thanking him for the necklace. He responded and then we started our nightly conversation.

I know I said this many times before to myself but I loved the way I could tell Tom pretty much anything. He was just such a great listener that you wanted to pour your heart out into him, which I did. Tom was different than most boys his age. I mean who willingly goes out with a fourteen year old girl and does things for her like most adults do with their dates. He was a special one, no one else like him. I knew that back then, but I know it and appreciate it more now. Now that he isn't mine. Life isn't always easy and there are many ups and downs. I've had many of both. But the worst down of all, was not having Tom with me all this time. The fact that I actually broke up with him when we were younger makes my heart hurt. If I had just trusted him more and came to reality sooner, my heart probably wouldn't be hurting and Tom would probably still be mine. But we can't focus on the past and the mistakes we made, we need to focus on the future and learn from the mistakes we made in the past. I tell myself everyday that I can change anything I want in the future but I can't change the past. All I really want is Tom. And I still wear my paper airplane necklace.

The Boy Who Peeked Through My Fence - Tom Holland Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now