Part 11- The premiere

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We talked through the night about the premiere and excuses we could say to keep the secret as long as we could. Most of the excuses were saying that we were good friends or that because Harrison came I came kind of thing. We thought they would work for a little while until we were ready to tell everyone. We fell asleep that night leaned up against the fence. I woke up the next morning to Tom and I holding hands through the fence. I have no idea how it happened but it did. I pulled my hand away and woke up Tom. We went inside and got ready for school. Tom came over to our house after school and asked Haz and I to come to his premiere in a couple weeks. Of course we said yes, I mean I already told him yes but I had to act like I hadn't. The weeks went by fast and soon it was the night of the premiere. I curled my hair and put it into a crown braid, I had this simple but elegant navy blue gown which matched Tom's tie. We purposely "accidentally" matched. Haz wore a nice shirt and pants. As we all headed to the premiere I was thinking about what could happen after tonight. "Could there be rumors about us dating after tonight? What will Haz think? What if I smile weird?"

All of these things running through my head I didn't even realize we pulled up to the premiere. "Uh Nova, it's time to get out" Tom reaches for my hand as he helps me out of the car. I get out and there's already flashes coming from everywhere. There were so many people taking pictures, yelling "look here, Tom Holland and who's this." Tom makes his arm to where I could grab it and hold on to it as we walked, Haz following behind. "Tom is this your girlfriend" people asked. "No she's just my good friend" he answered quickly. I was so focused on smiling and trying to keep the secret that I didn't even think about the fact that Tom called me his "good friend". I wasn't mad but it still feels weird to be dating him and he call me his "friend". After a couple of interviews, we head inside. Tom sat in between me and Haz and the rest of our families sat on the left side of me, Harry sitting next me. Tom took off his jacket and put it in between us. He slid his hand under neath the jacket and grabbed my hand. We held hands under his jacket and soon the movie started. The movie was amazing. Watching Tom act in that way made me believe he actually went through all of that. I even started to tear up. Tom looked over at me and giggled as he saw a tear running down my face. "Shut up" I whispered. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.

The part came up where Haz, Harry, Sam, Paddy and I were in the movie as kids who were lost. I looked over at Tom, "I'm a movie star" I whispered to him smirking. He laughed quietly. The movie ended and I still have tears streaming down my face. Tom let go of my hand and started to clap as did everyone else. The after party followed, Tom and I couldn't be as affectionate now. Everyone was coming up to Tom and congratulating him on his performance. One person came up to him and started crying, "I can't believe how a sixteen year old boy like you can perform that well." He smiles and said thank you. The party consisted of dancing, food, and talking. When the party was over we all headed home. As I was taking my makeup off I see Tom at his window through my mirror. He waved at me. I go to open my window. "You looked amazing tonight" he said as soon as I finished opening it. I blushed. "I couldn't really let you know earlier, there were so many people around" he replied. "Well thank you, you looked quite handsome as well" I responded. He smiled and started to blush too. "So movie star" he began to say, "what other movies are you going to join me in?" I laughed.

The Boy Who Peeked Through My Fence - Tom Holland Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now