Chapter XVI

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Chapter XVI

"I was going for a run in the woods," Scott started speaking. "Everything was peaceful and nice until I got mind-linked by my dad."

I loved his dad James to death, almost as much as I loved Scott, and I loved the rest of his family dearly as well. I felt my heart break as I knew the one thing his story would end with: death.

"My dad was frantic and said that we were being attacked. I was shocked for a few seconds before I rushed home."

He inhaled and exhaled slowly, choosing his next words. "When I got to the battle, I saw wolves ripping each other apart. I could tell who was who because of how disgusting and dirty the rogues were, so I started attacking."

Scott's eyes began welling up with tears so I grabbed his hand and started comfortingly rubbing it. "I killed a few and started looking for my next victim and that was when I saw...her."

"Even disgustingly dirty..." Tears started spilling out of his eyes. "Even then, she looked beautiful. She was like an angel. She had beautiful blonde hair and was pale as moonlight but that made her even more beautiful than I thought anyone could possibly be. 

"For some reason she was in human form. She was standing in the middle of the battle and had her eyes closed and I could see her mouth moving. I do not know why.

"She must have felt the mate bond because her eyes snapped open and I could only see her bright, beautiful green eyes for a few seconds before all the life was sucked out of them. They turned stone cold as I watched James, my own father, bite my mate. Over and over again.

"I stood, frozen in shock from everything that had happened in a span of less than ten seconds, before I was attacked by another rogue.

"I viciously attacked all the rogues I could find until I attempted to take on a much stronger, tougher rogue; much bigger than myself. He hurt me to the point of me nearly dying. Bleeding and in unbearable pain, I crawled over to my mate's dead body. Even in death, she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"Violet," he said, shaking in pain. "Violet was her name. She had on this little dainty gold bracelet with her name spelled out on it."

Scott started completely sobbing at this part. I leaned forward and pulled his head to my chest. He wrapped his arms around me and started crying harder.

He sniffled. "I found and lost the love of my life all in the same day."

I couldn't even begin understanding Scott's pain. The simple thought of losing Caiden seemed unbearable. And by the hands of his own father? That just makes it so much more heartbreaking.

He pulled away and shook his head back and forth. "I can't cry," he mumbled to himself. "I need to finish the story."

"After I crawled next to her, I passed out. I woke up later to find the whole area empty except for bodies and a few strange men, rogues, looking at me. But they were a different pack of rogues."

Scott looked at me and his eyes seemed hollow. "All the bodies were there. My parents."

I gasped. I knew his parents had to have died, but I was still shocked.

He continued. "My brother."

I gasped again and felt tears streaming down my face. Eric? Little Eric? He was only twelve years old. He can't be dead.

"No," I whispered, more to myself than him. He just nodded in sorrow and looked away.

"I saw familiar bodies everywhere, all the faces that were smiling and joyful just hours earlier."

He paused for a few seconds. "But the weird thing was, my mate wasn't there. Her body was gone. And there was no scent. Even when I first met her before, she didn't have a scent."

His brown eyes pierced into mine and he spoke again. "It was like she was never even there."

A/N: Good, eh, eh? I like the last sentence. I know my smart readers will figure it out! I'll drop a few hints here but only my loyal readers will read it. Think. Who is she? How did she have no scent? All living things have scents. Even dead things have scents. Or maybe the real question is...What is she?

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