Chapter XXII

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Chapter XXII

I awoke in a large bed in a dark blue room. I was completely alone, with no reccolection of how I arrived there. I saw hair lying on the bed, thick straight locks of it. I gasped and wondered if someone was in the bed with me or if hair had been cut. I pulled away and saw it follow me. What in the world? I pulled it and felt a sharp yank on my head.

Confused and still dazed from just waking up, I got out of bed and went to a large, elegantly modern mirror on the side of the room. I let out a loud scream after looking in the mirror and saw that my typically wavy hair had transformed to be pin straight and my already pale skin now had a snow-like coloring to it. I took one look at my newly bright green eyes and felt the world spin before me.


After being comforted by a nurse, I found out that after being marked I passed out and began convulsing. Legends of the red wolf told that in case of this, one must find a pearl-shaped red rock in the forests of Amalia. Caden and Jeremy, the fastest wolf in the pack, rushed out there and Caden sent Jeremy back to get the rock to me as fast as he could. Caden was still on his way here, but after I made contact with the rock a strange transformation occured. I still couldn't believe that my hair was now the same shade as my fur coat. Although I wasn't born with this coloring, I still felt as if it had been mine from the start.

The slam of a door interrupted by thinking as I saw Caden rush through the doorway. He took one look at me and shouted, "Who the f*ck is she? Where the hell is Lily?"

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