Chapter IV

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Chapter IV

I felt my bones begin to snap, and I ran outside of the pack house. I felt my spine crack and I screamed in agony. 

"What's wrong?" I heard someone shout.

I let out another scream because of the unbearable pain. Suddenly, it was gone. I felt great, actually. I turned towards the four men. 

"Wow," I heard them speak words of astonishment. 

'What's so great?' I wondered. I mean yeah, I had my wolf now and that was pretty cool, but that can't be it.

I looked at the boys. Anthony, Jared, Adam and...

Oh my god.

I felt a tingle go up my spine when I looked at the fourth one.

My mom always told me that when you meet your mate, your body practically screams at you that you found him.

I felt tingles all over my body.

I found him.

And judging by how he's looking back at me, I know he felt it too.

Out of my shock, I do the thing I do best.

I run.


You guys! 

I practically forgot about this book!

I just figured if no one was reading, it was no use!

But I just checked and it hit almost a hundred reads!

So I guess I'll start writing again! Sorry that the chapters are so short, I try to make them as long as I can.









(is that what you call them? Or returns? Like when you press the enter button)

So anyways, thank you! I'd love to get a lot of reads on this.

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