Chapter XXIII

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Chapter XXII

I looked in confusion at Caden. Even though I looked incredibly peculiar, couldn't he recognize his own mate? On second thought, couldn't he just smell me and tell immediately that I am his mate and, thus, must be Lily?

"I'm right here," I expressed, confused, as he looked back at me with bewilderment. He turned his head to a pack member, Nate, and repeated: "Where the fuck is Lily?"

"Alpha, she's right here." Nate gestured a hand towards me. "Some strange transformation occured, but she's still Lily. Can't you sense her?"

"Why do I live with such idiots!" Caden bellowed, rushing up to me. He lifted up a side of my hair and turned, waving his hand for emphasis as he spoke. "Do you see my mark here?"

Only now did he gaze upon my neck in shock at my (still very prominent) mark. "What the..what...Lily?" He asked, looking at me in confusion. I nodded my head with tears in my eyes. How did he not feel it? I surely---hold on. 

His hand was grazing my neck, but I didn't feel the wild sparks flying about this time. I felt a little warmth, but other than that, nothing.

I chose this time to open my mouth and voice what the both of us, and possibly a few other insightful people were thinking.

"What the hell happened to the mate bond?"

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