Read Between The Lines

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That night Sky couldn't sleep. Say what you want about why but she couldn't. She continued reading the book she had started early and waited for herself to get tired. She was sitting in the kitchen when Theo walked downstairs.

"Hey, Skylar." He said.


"Can't sleep?" He asked.

"No. You?" 

"I woke up and someone was missing. Someone very important to me." Theo said before quickly looking away.

Skylar blushed.

"Uh...What are you reading?" Theo asked.

"It's called 'Between the Lines' it's about this high school girl who loves this old picture book and then the picture book comes to life it's pretty cool honestly. A bit cheesy but cool." Sky told him.

Theo nodded and they sat in silence for a moment. Theo still standing in the staircase with Sky in a chair at the table. 

"What do you think they are up to at home?" Sky asked.

"Well knowing my mom she probably is barely sleeping herself but, made my dad go to sleep though," Theo said. Skylar chuckled. "They probably spent all day at the police station getting every detail from Raven, Olivia, and Annie. Thomas and Lucy probably are staying at my house. Cole might be there. It's a mess that's for sure."

"Theo?" Skylar said. "I am scared."

"Me to Skylar." Theo closed the space between them and hugged her. "We will get through this just like our parents did."

Skylar hugged him back.

/ / / / /

The next morning they were woken with a loud bang. Skylar and Theo, being raised to be aware of everything around them, jumped out of their beds. 

"It's just what's his face coming to collect us for testing." Peyton yawned. She stood up and got dressed as if the day before hadn't happened. Skylar was still in her dress and Theo still in his suit from the dance walked downstairs.

"Ah yes how is our newest shipment fairing?" the man, Ryan, from the first day asked.

Neither Skylar nor Theo answered.

"They are fine. However, I think they need new clothes." Peyton told him.

"Oh, Peyton our oldest shipment. I think you are right. However, we don't get any more clothes till our next port so they are stuck in those." Ryan tells her.

"There is no way you are going to make her run on that track in a dress with no shoes," Peyton said. "Or Theo with those dress shoes."

"We have shoes for them and don't you have another pair of clothing in here somewhere?" Ryan spits back.

"No. I have this set or ones that have blood all over them no thanks to you." Peyton crosses her arms across her chest.

"That is in no way my fault. If anyone, blame Six for betraying us." Ryan says.

"Freeing four kids from this jail cell is better than all of the things I have done combined. Maybe we will be lucky and they will sink this boat." Peyton yells.

Ryan smacked her across this face. Sam ran down the last steps and smacked Ryan across the face. Ryan grabbed Sam and twisted his hand behind his back. 

"Ryan!" Peyton exclaimed. "Let go of him."

Ryan looked at Peyton.

"Please," Peyton asked.

"Let's go," Ryan told them shoving Sam away. They nodded and followed him. Upstairs. Three flights. Then they got shoved into a different shipping container and ran on a large treadmill.


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