Thank You

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***Note from Author: For the next couple of days that the chapters are in Skylar's is different than the time days of Ravens and Amethyst. I will do another message like this when they begin to overlap again.***

5 Hours Earlier

The van was dark with no windows and damp seats. It was clear they did not expect to find so many of the second generation. The six of them squished into the back that was only made for four max.

The kids started signing to each other. Communicating through the silent language used most by the deaf community. The original pack started learning it after Seth died. They thought that because the language was not well known by the bulk of the world that it would be easy to tell each other things without others knowing. The second-gen learned it right alongside English while growing up.

The van stopped and the doors opened. The kids were pulled out and pushed into a dirty building. The bright lights whined and flickered. The entire building smelt like moldy paint. 

"Girls over there boys here." A hairy but bald man told the pack. Without the man knowing he also split them into shifters and mortals.

"Theo!" Olivia called over to him. "Tell Ace everything is going to be ok. And that we will be right back."

Theo turned to Ace and signed at him. Ace kept quiet realizing the lie they had just created to protect Ace from saying something he is not supposed to.

The boys were put into a clean white room that had a chemical smell that couldn't cover the mold. The girls were in an identical one. The things that happened in that room seemed not too crazy. Except for the metal detector. That was strange.

Then the six of them, now with nothing metal except Ravens ring, that Red had given her, were loaded into the back of a bigger van and driven further. They continued to sign to each other. Raven explained that the ring didn't feel any different but to still stay on guard.

The next time they get pulled out of the car they are already in the building. The ceilings were tall. At least two floors up. It was dark but not in a dirty way.

"Welcome guys." a girl in worn jeans covered with paint said. "Welcome to the shop."

"What?" Oliva asked.

"Well, you see  I wanted to work making sets for movies. Imagine making the set for some big hit movie. Being remembered for bringing the world off the page of a book and-" the woman was abruptly interrupted.

"Look, we have knowledge informing us that at least one of you have the same genetic malfunction as Seth Arena." The man next to her told us.

The pack laughed.

"I can tell you with absolute certainty no one in this room is the same as that man, at least that I know of," Theo told them looking at the man.

"Yeah, Well we are being paid to double-check. So follow me." The man instructed.

The six of them walked without a sound. Annie mentioned the smell of salt in the air. The maze they walked through was made of shipping containers. They eventually stopped in front of the only blue container. The man heaved the door open and gestured inside.

"This is where you will be staying for a while." the man tells us.

"Well at least turn on the light Ryan. Geez..." The woman said to him flicking on the light.

The shipping container had been refurbished into a sort of bedroom. A king bed at the far end, a simple table with a deck of cards, and a bathroom with a sink covered with curtains.

"I will lock them up Ryan, you can go." The woman said. The man left. The woman began to pull the door but stopped. She started signing. She explained that she had seen them sign earlier and wanted to help. She explained she didn't care about money or if the pack was like the grandfather. She would be back in an hour to get them out.

Ace signed the only thing he knew "Thank you." (1/22/19)

BeyondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora