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It had officially been 24 hours since Skylar and Theo had been home. I was becoming restless and all I wanted to do was to find her. I could go so high and see the whole bay. Find the boat. Find Theo and Skylar. Get them out and bring them home. But I wasn't allowed. Tomorrow I have to go to school. Why they were sending us to school after the fact we were just kidnapped from said school is a question I will never be able to answer. Amethyst was not going to school, she wasn't even going home. 

/ / / / /

Olivia got into the driver's seat of her dark green Jeep. I sat shotgun with Annie and Ace in the back seat. Normally I would be in Skylar's, well Aunt Ambers, red Toyota. As soon as we turned off of the street Olivia started talking to us, like how she does around people outside of the family. She explained to us that if we went to her car before her boyfriend left she would kill us. We were to stand far enough away for them not to notice us but close enough that once he left she wouldn't have to wait for us to get there. We pulled into the parking lot and she kicked us out of the car. Ok. See you in six hours Cuz.

"So much for safety in numbers," I say as we walk through the hill the school uses as a parking lot.

"Well, what did you expect from her I mean she has never really fit into this family," Annie says to us.

"Well yeah, she's not a shifter." Ace says in a low voice.

"Yeah, she is," I tell him.

"What?" He asks.

"Yeah, she is a Lynx," Annie told him.

"Whats a Lynx?" Ace asked.

"It's kinda like a bobcat," I tell him.

"And super cute," Annie adds

"Why didn't I know that?" Ace asks looking back at the cheerleader kissing the footballer.

"She hasn't shifted in...eight years? Yeah since Amethysts mom died and Uncle Thomas came back." Annie explained.

"She just isn't like the rest of us I guess. She doesn't have that urge inside her to just be free." I tell him.

"It crazy she takes that power for granted and I am sure Theo thinks the same thing. especially as her brother." Ace told us. 

"I will catch up with you guys at lunch," I say going up the staircase. (2/8/19)

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