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Before we moved here I lived in a small townhouse with my Mum. She was working as a barista in Blackpool while working on her books. As a kid When she would work I would often go with her. I would colour pictures and make the customers smile. As I got older she began to allow me to stay home alone. However, I would rarely ever actually stay home. I found that I was a raven at a young age. It was the final reason for us to move out of the flat with Connor. When I was left alone I would open my window shift and fly out. I loved the feeling of the wind in my feathers. The sun on my back. My favourite place to go was the top of the tower. The highest level was blocked to the public and the perfect place for me to sit. Watch the town on one side and the water on the other side. It looked like the water stretched on forever but school taught me that Irland was somewhere 50 kilometres away. I always told myself that one day I would fly that far. Not that my Mum would ever allow it. Maybe she would if I went with Skylar. That way I wasn't by myself. 

At the police station, the four of us gave another statement. We each did our best answering the questions but some of them were difficult. How tall was the boat? How fast was it going? What colour was it? I don't know it was the middle of the night. I had been awake longer then I have since I came from England. Oh and not to mention I had just been bloody kidnapped. Did I say that to the officer though? Of course not. I just told them that I didn't remember.

They had ordered a lockdown of the water. I don't think that's what they actually called it but they basically did that. They called in every boat within a 50-mile radius of where we crawled out of the water and were in the process of combing through each and every one. That's near twice the distance then between Blackpool and Irland. 

Why didn't I stay on that ship? It would be so much easier if it was me and not Theo. If Theo would have just jumped then Skylar could have shifted. We would still have them and be able to have them help us take down whoever is in control of that ship. Theo has always been afraid of heights though so I shouldn't really be that surprised he didn't jump, and She would never have left anyone there alone especially him. I don't think anyone has noticed, maybe not even themselves. I find it funny that the two of them ended up so close, I guess in the same way as my mum and Connor. Connor hates animals and before I came along didn't think he wanted kids. I guess if I had to pick two of us with me and Skylar not being an option I would have it be those two. I hope they are alright. I wonder what happened after we left. (2/5/19)

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