Chapter 6 - Collision

Start from the beginning

"A fight this time I reckon." Evergreen said.

"You're right. All four of you will be fighting each other. Whichever pair goes down first for both fights taking place will be eliminated. That means two pairs will continue to the finale." Master Makarov explained.

I can't believe it, we are so close…

"Pick your path, I will see you on the other side." Master Makarov said.

Right off the bat, Gajeel grabbed Levy's hand and dragged her with him into the third cave. Everyone else was still talking, trying to come up with a strategy.

"Which cave will we pick?" I asked.

"I would say pick one at random, there is not strategy to this cave system because the paths are most likely jumbled up, so we probably won't end up where we wanted to go in the first place." Freed explained.

"Well, let's design a plan for each pair." I suggested.

"Yes, that would be wise." Freed replied.

"Lucy and Loke." I said.

"Lucy is quite intelligent, however, strength wise she will be leaning on Loke and her other celestial spirits to help her. If we do fight her, I'd say go all out, she shouldn't be too hard to defeat, Loke is the one to look out for." Freed explained.

"Elfman and Evergreen." I said.

"I must admit, they are the two I don't particularly want to go up against." Freed replied.

"Surely since you know Evergreen really well she should be fairly easy to beat." I mentioned.

"Not necessarily true. Ever is quite powerful when she's determined, plus just as I know her weaknesses, she'll most likely know mine as well. Elfman will be a challenge too, when in his beast form he is really powerful. Together, we might just be able to take them down, but it'll be really close." Freed explained.

"So finally we have Levy and Gajeel." I said.

"Yes. Levy will also be a challenge, since she uses solid script and studies different languages and ancient texts, she could potentially undo my enchantments, plus her solid script magic means she has a variety of attacks. Gajeel is strong too. Since he is a Dragonslayer like you, it might be best if you took him on if we go up against them." Freed explained.

"Right, that sounds like a plan." I grinned.

By the time me and Freed finished discussing our strategy, the others had already left. One cave was left, the first one. Me and Freed looked at each other before walking towards the cave.

The cave was well lit with fireflies, it looked really pretty. We continued walking through the cave and began to hear voices.

"I wonder who it is?" I questioned.

"Not sure." Freed replied.

We reached the end of the cave which brought us to a clearing and found out who we were up against.

"Gajeel." I said.

Gajeel and Levy turned around to face me and Freed.

"At last, we were wondering if anyone was gonna actually show up." Gajeel said as he crossed his arms.

"We had to come up with a strategy for each scenario, I bet you guys didn't think of that before you took off." Freed replied.

"I would've if I had a chance." Levy sighed.

"Who needs strategy? Two fists will do the job." Gajeel said with a grin.

"You must've taken a leaf from Elfman's book." I smiled.

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