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The moon shone in the middle of the night accompany by the cold wind breeze it might seem peaceful that it should be but it was the opposite, the continuous booming and guns being fire was endless along with the loud swearing and cursing that will make people go insane just by listening what's more if they witness the scene?

Ordinary citizens who was asleep didn't notice this big commotion and disturbance at all which will make a person question how? It was because of a Flame user of illusion cast it to prevent them from disturbing the citizens as they do not want vindice's on their tail.


"Fuck! Bernard is shot!" A guy shouted but didn't stop firing his guns to the other side.

"You motherfcker!!! Die!"

"Well, Fck you!!!!" Bang. bang.

" Quickly put him in there and call for reinforcement! !!"
The middle age man shouted as he fire his gun non stop.

"What the hell! Use your box weapon you dumbass and quickly heal him!"

"Oh shut up! I know!"the guy then thrust his sun flames to the box. An owl appear coated with sun flames flicking its wing and quickly try healing the man who was shot.

"We need reinforced or we will die!" The old man who couldn't use box weapon can anxiously shouted back and fire his gun

"STOP! WE CAN'T! " the guy who was just open his box weapon stop the other one who was calling reinforcement.

"Why?!!!!" Angrily shouted the man back at him

"We are order to install time! ! Even if it mean death! All we can do is delay this bitches from stepping a foot at the Vongola mansion!"

"But! Wha!--"


"Ahhhh!"a bloody scream come out from the guy.

"Fuck! That's an order from the Decimo!" even if he say that, the fear of death is still slowly crawling his way into their heart. they know they should prevent the enemy from stepping a foot at the Vongola mansion. If not then it can only bring more destruction to this world that is already crumbling apart...

It was war, A War that broke out three years ago when it was just a few years when the young Decimo accept his position and rule the Underworld who know such turn out event will happen? Every day the enemies of the Vongola will try to push their way in order to destroyed the number one powerful famiglia, The Vongola.

The middle age man saw his comrades died one by one by gunshot or armed box weapon of the enemies as could do nothing
but watch it happen in front of him. Heart full of pain and despair he struggles to kill the enemy, tightening his hold in his guns with storm flames infused in it.


Bang. Bang. Bang.

And then the chaos continue..

Flashes of gun shot continue near the Vongola mansion. inside the said mansion, a person who's head was down gripped his hand tightly in the king size like chair while listening to the cry of his subordinates that he treated as family was now slowly dying..and ..them will soon be next.

Knock. knock.

The man didn't hear the knocking as he was in daze, The door was push open and a
man in suit with fedora in his head, he rise his hand and flicker the fedora as it reveal the narrowed pitch black eye's staring at the daze man.

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