When this happened jungkook's mom panicked, picking up jungkook and quickly walking to her bedroom.

"Mom why do I have to be in your room?!" Jungkook complained.

"We are staying here till your dad gets home, jungkook." "But-" jungkook say with an annoyed face. "No buts, we are staying here."


The night went by and jungkook's mom was asleep.
Jungkook was not.

After jungkook realized that his mom was fast asleep, he began getting out of the bed. He walked down the stairs towards the back door.

Mom will never know and I just want to see what the crash site looks like.

He headed towards his tree house to get a better view.
But as he was beginning to climb the latter, he heard a noise coming from the small tree house.

Being the curious boy that he was, jungkook kept climbing the latter. Reaching the hatch door in only a minute. He then began slowly opening the hatch, hearing the sound stop.

Jungkook peaked through the small opening in the hatch to see a boy.
This boy seemed about his age. The boy also looked as if he needed to be cleaned.

"Hello?" Jungkook said in a small voice, " what are you doing in my tree house?"

The boy seemed extremely frightened and began shrinking further into the small tree house.
Jungkook then heard the sound of a growling stomach. "Are you hungry?" he questioned looking concerned for the frightened boy in front of him. "Wait here I'll get you some food."

Jungkook then began making his way back down the latter. When he reached the bottom, he ran to the kitchen.
He did not know what the boy liked so he grabbed his favorite food, goldfish.

When he made his way back to the tree house, still curious about the boy. He wanted to know his name, where he was from, where his parents were and many more things.

After he opened the hatch, making his way back into the tree house he saw the boy eyeing the bag in jungkook's hand.

"Here, these are my favorite" jungkook handed the bag to the boy. The boy hesitantly took the bag from jungkook and began eating the goldfish. He still seemed frightened but not as much as he did when jungkook first found him.

"What's your name?" Jungkook asked but after awhile of slience jungkook spoke again. "My name is jungkook and I am 8 years old." He said proudly.
The boy stared at jungkook, having a mental battle inside his head.

After a few minutes the boy anwsered, "I'm taehyung and I am 9 years old." At this point he seemed more comfortable with talking to jungkook.

"Nice to meet you taehyung," jungkook said excitedly, reaching out his hand to shake taehyung's.
But taehyung only stared at the extended hand confused.
Jungkook saw this, "have you never shook hands before?"

"No" taehyung answered shortly.

Jungkook was surprised at his answered. He thought all kids knew how to shake hands with someone and was confused as why taehyung did not know what it was.
It was at this time that jungkook noticed something on taehyung's skin. "What's that on your skin? It looks like a tattoo."

"What's a tattoo? And I was born with these," answered taehyung

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"What's a tattoo? And I was born with these," answered taehyung.
This confused jungkook even more. "Wait where are you from?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm from Xena but we were forced to leave." Taehyung answered while looking saddened.

"Where is that? I've never heard of it," jungkook was trying to firgure out more about this boy but only became more confused as taehyung explained.

Then something clicked inside jungkook's brain.

"Wait a second, are you one of the people that came out of the brushes where the crash happened"

"Yes" taehyung answered, now seeming uncomfortable again.

But this anwser only excited jungkook and his face light up. "I have so many questions!"
Jungkook then began throwing questions at taehyung," what was your planet like? Do you have any cool powers? Can you fly? oh wait can you-"

Jungkook was interrupted by a yell.

"Jungkook! Where are you!? It's not safe out here!" Jungkook's dad yelled.

"Dad I'm in the tree house! I talking to someone from the crash!" Jungkook answerws, not realizing that he should not have revealed taehyung's existence.
The boys then heard jungkook's dad yelling for someone.

The next thing happened so quickly that both boys did not see it coming.
A man in a military uniform appeared in the hatch reaching for both of the boys, bringing them both down.
Jungkook's dad soon had his son in his grasp, while the other boy was being dragged by the officer to a van.

When jungkook realized that taehyung was being dragged away forcefully, he began yelling "wait what are you doing! That's my friends! Stop!"

Seconds later the van door was shut and it drove away, taehyung in it.

"Jungkook, that thing is not your friend," jungkook's dad said sternly. "And you will never be seeing him again."

This was when jungkook began crying.

He did not want taehyung to be taken away. They were just becoming friends and jungkook found him extremely interesting. Jungkook just wanted to be able to see taehyung again.

But it seemed like that would never happen.


This is my first fanfic, well first story at all.

So don't judge me too much.

I mean you can judge a little if you want.

Wish me luck, I guess

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