
After the next crazy 20 minutes, the little you was safely shifted to a new place, The rotten old room from your nightmares that still haunt you till this day.

Mr. Oh and Lee were bussiness men and this too was a part of it and nothing personal.

Greed can drive a man crazy and this was the case of ultimate greed for money.

To be significant in the company, they had to work hard and sometimes the easiest method towards success were tactics like this.

They locked you at that empty house and went to the comforts of their familiar home while you yelled and cried yourself to sleep in that wooden room.
They assigned  you a guard but he was a druken lazy ass who took the money and went home to drink, too bothered to keep watch in the little cottage.

You starved for straight three days. Half dead. Half alive. This was your current state. Afterall a little body can take so much.

Then suddenly when you had started to think that you'll rot and die in this stinking place, a miracle happened. The humanless forest where you were trapped wasn't so empty anymore. Someone had found the house that trapped you.



The little boy who found you.

His car had a flat tire and he decided to take a stroll through the woods by himself. Probably not a good idea for a 12 year old boy to go alone in the forest but this was where he's gut took him and where fate was calling him.

He walked for a while, as if he already had a destination set within his mind. Soon after he saw a glimpse of a house. The lights weren't on and the house was so well hidden that no one would even pay attention to it's existence.

He smiled a little as he saw the house visible through the moonlight coming filtered through the trees.

He walked closer and opened the door. Just like he anticipated, no soul was inside or could atleast be seen inside. But he didn't believe that. Just like when his gut told him to come here, it also told him that he wasn't the only one.

He wandered around the house searching for a light switch.

His mother at this point had realised the absense of her child and both Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jung were searching for the said boy.

The boy heard a thump from one of the doors and he went over to open it.

Just as he placed his hand over the handle of the door, the main door towards the house opened with a creak. But the person waiting at the entrance was an unimaginable person for the little boy.

Mr. Lee stood there frozen at the door panel as he saw the little jungkook looking up at him with enlarged eyes, that of a deer caught in a headlight. But there was no deer and no headlights here.

"Jungkook? What the hell?" Mr. Lee spoke in disbelief not believing in his own eyes.

"Uncle Lee?" Jungkook spoke leaving the once held handle and looking at the older man.

"Why are you here?" The man asked in confusion

"I came for a family picnic-"

"Family?" Mr. Lee grew anxious as realisation hit him like a truck, "are your parents with you??"

"Mommy said we had to wait because of the flat tire."

"Mr. Jeon? What about him?"

"Daddy had important bussiness." The boy spoke with a cute little  pout

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now