A new discovery

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"Kirishima get your ass in here! I won fair and square!" Her sound boomed loudly across the apartment. Sero, Denki, and myself could practically feel the couch shake from the noise. Are wobbly, old, blue couch from the goodwill probably does that no matter what, but you get the point. The loud footsteps from the other part of the apartment began to approach us. I jumped over the couch hiding behind it in pure terror.

"Where is he!" Mina exclaimed, you could almost see steam coming from her. Mina and I made a bet not to long ago. The bet was who would win some dumb idol show she is obsessed with. I voted for clearly the better singer of the two, but the man of looks won. I said if I win she has to clear our bathroom of all her makeup, if she won she got to do my makeup. So now here I am, running from a girl, trying to do my makeup. I would like to say this is a first of her chasing me but that's anywhere far from true.

"Behind there," Sero says pointing behind the couch. He doesn't even look up from his phone or do a double take. Just ratting me out like that to Mina. I make a full bolt to the bathroom, the only room in the house that can lock, but low and behold I trip over a box of makeup falling straight to the ground. Mina takes no second to waste, dragging me by the ankles to her room. She pulls me through the living room where Denki just mouths 'good luck' to me.

She closes her door with a slam. Our neighbors must just love us, a whole bunch of 18-19 year olds, taking a gap year, living all in the same apartment, as they contemplate life. She whips out her box of makeup and her laptop. She looks through her laptop as she looks up the color red.

"Okay so I'm think like a macaw, you know your red hair, the bird is red, it's going to look amazing!" She gets giddy with excitement. I roll my eyes at her as she takes out her reds, yellows, and whites. Mina has a makeup instagram account with about 4.6k followers. Not to bad if you ask me, but nothing to big. She tends to do Harajuku pastel pink inspired looks. She love pink and wearing pastel harajuku looks, so it's only fitting for her account. She wants to do this for a post I can smell it. I look at the photos of the macaws when her computer dings with a notification.

'Explosion King just uploaded a new video'

"Oh, OH! Hey can we watch this as I do your makeup? Like background noise and whatever?" A makeup guru I assume, that she likes clearly. I've never actually tried makeup before to be honest. I always thought of it as a girl thing but maybe this is a good thing, try things out. Of course though I would never say this to Mina, it would get to her head to much.

'Sure I guess, who is he anyway?' I sign to her. Mina is one of the only people who can understand me fully. Since I'm mute I can't just talk I just always have to listen. Sero and Denki know some sign language to understand simple thing from me. Most of the time with them though I have to text them what I want to say. It's a really big pain in my butt and I should really force them to learn some more sign language.  

"He is a guy makeup guru on youtube and instagram. His makeup skills are AMAZING, but he controversial. Personally I could care less about the drama he is in and all that. But hey maybe if you like makeup you could be the next guy makeup guru" She nudges me in the gut. I'm honestly don't know how I feel about this. Putting weird, god knows what stuff on your face to make it look different. Seems sketchy.
    "Hi extras, welcome back to another makeup tutorial thing? Shit? I don't know? Today we are going to do a explosion themed look. If any of you fuckers have been here since the beginning you would know that's how this channel started. I'm a god at makeup now not that fucker from two year ago so we are doing that kind of look. Since we just hit 200k followers on instagram I thought it would be a good look to post. But there is 1.2 million of you guys so follow my fucking instagram damn it"

    "We are going to make explosions around the eye area. Explosions are usually like yellows, reds, and oranges so that's what we are going to do. I'm going to start off by making this skin look more beautiful than it already fucking is by putting on foundation. If you don't know how to do that go watch that bitch Ochoco video, link in description. She is talented roommate of mine but nothing compared to me."

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