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Chapter 5: What happens next?

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Chapter 5: What happens next?

5 장 : 다음은 어떻게됩니까?

I could feel a pair of arms wrapped around me picking me up from the floor. I held into the unknown tightly keeping my eyes shut as I took deep breaths, remembering everything my therapist told me before.

"I will not let it control me, I will be the one who controls my body, I will not give in to my panic" I muttered repeatedly as I tried hard to gain back my senses. When my mind has ceased it's unproductive buzz, I am able to start thinking again, I opened my eyes slowly staring at my surroundings I was no longer in my apartment, I looked up to find myself in Taehyung's arms as he held me securely " the others are still in your apartment, I'll get you out of here and they'll join us later when they get rid of the others" he explained to me.

My head buzzed with thoughts "Who are the others?" I asked confused "People who work for Chul and Hwan". I nodded faintly "How are we escaping?" I glanced to where he was heading

"We create a diversion" he said quietly.

I nodded faintly "You know I can walk" I muttered, without a word he put me down continuing to walk, he looked so charismatic as he walked so confidently "we're going to trigger the emergency system" he spoke before stopping dead on his tracks as he took the axe from its box and hitting the fire alarm.

Noise corrupted from every single room as people started to flee for their lives not knowing that there was no fire they were safe, I stood there glued to the floor Taehyung sighed holding my arm as he started to walk along with the people quickly going to the emergency exit "Stick to me, as soon as we're out of here we're going to meet up with the rest by the van it's only two blocks away" he explained.

I stood close to him as we walked quickly with the crowd, once almost everyone was out of the building Taehyung and I could barely be seen in the crowd, so whoever was after us is going to have a very hard time to spot us, Taehyung held my arm gently as he walked quicker I glanced at him as I made an effort to keep up with him and in a matter of minutes we were by the van, everyone else was already there.

I squeezed myself in the back seat between Jimin and Jungkook as I fidget with my fingers taking a deep breath " so what now?" I whispered looking up at them, Namjoon shrugged sighing " we're heading to a safe house in Busan and then we'll plan our next move" I nodded my head slowly "Thank you for protecting me today, that was really a close call" Jungkook smiled down on me as he rubbed my shoulder his touch gentle it sent sparks shooting through me, making me feel warm and comfortable. He can be nice sometimes.

The silver gray van cruised down the freeway, travelling to Busan. Yoongi was sitting in the front passenger seat humming faintly as he typed furiously on his phone, Namjoon was in charge if driving.I stayed silent listening to the conversation that was going on for the last few minutes between Jimin and Jungkook about their stupid bets on who I'd end up falling in love with among them, considering that they're all ridiculously good looking...At eighty miles per hour the engine was only idling..One touch from Namjoon and the van would leap forwards.

After a few hours of driving,passing by many beautiful sceneries the van came to a halt in front of a not remarkable house by any means - It was a very old house ,indeed, you could have already told from its design.

The door in the centre, a square window on each side of it. Without opening the door it's easy to tell that it will be damp and dirty.

J-hope opened the door slowly. It creaked. We all stepped onto the house and, amazingly, the wooden floor was brand new nothing close to my expectation I thought it would have been rotten or broken,well I better learn not to judge things by its look like they say don't judge a book by its cover, the window frames were a brilliant pastel yellow on top of new wood. It was a two storey house, I walked slowly into the living room looking around.

The room is like a perfect magazine cover. I'm afraid to sit in case I wrinkle the fabric . The couch is pink but inlaid with a fine white silk, nothing in the room seemed to be touched in so long although there is no dust in the place,it looks like everything here is brand new.The white curtains are linen, the kind of white that is untouched by hands and devoid of dust.. There is a small television, a bookshelf filled with many books that it gave me the desire to just start reading right away and forget all about my worries for the time being , a dining table at the far side of the room, only the chairs arranged around it. The fireplace looked so luxurious and beautiful like something out of movies. The floor is a high polished wood, dark and free of either dust or clutter.

Jungkook plopped down on the couch carelessly along with Taehyung "well I'm glad we dodged a bullet earlier" Jungkook spoke as he stared up at the ceiling "You know what? I didn't expect them to make a move this soon" he groaned massaging his nose bridge.

"Never look down on your opponents Kook, well right now we have to protect Bom that's our mission" Jimin mumbled moving his arms around as he spoke "Yes but we're not going to just wait for them to attack we'll be ready, and we'll be taking them down for good" Namjoon said quietly, by the calm look on his face I felt myself at ease my worries melting away and slipping into the cold weather , but his eyes held another gleam, a gleam of determination and rage.

It looks like a cold storm is in its way.


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