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Chapter 3: Reality

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Chapter 3: Reality

제 3 장 : 현실

A sigh emerged from my parted lips as I rolled on my stomach, stifling out a yawn. I heard a few noises which I decided to ignore as I hugged a cushion ready to go back to sleep.

" When will this fatass wake up?" Someone spoke clearly annoyed much to my surprise I rolled over falling off bed " Crap my back" I winced quietly opening my eyes only to see Jin crouching down by me " Are you alright?" He spoke softly helping me up to sit on the bed " I'm still dreaming then" I muttered under my breath " Bom get your shit together and wake up" I mumbled as I stood up going to the bathroom.

After having a quick cold shower, to ensure that I'm fully awake, I got out from the bathroom with only a simple red dress, " I just need to clean up" I whispered going back to my bedroom as I eyed the seven guys that stood there quietly. " Nah they aren't real" I whispered as I started to clean up.

All seven pair of eyes stared at me as I cleaned up, I felt extremely uncomfortable, I was obviously out of my comfort zone to be with seven guys even if they were just in my imagination because I still don't believe whatever happened yesterday " I must've been under drugs or I over drank which leads to me in this state, the probability of my friends getting me home is high, so this means my mind is playing tricks on me and I'm hallucinating." I nodded at the logical explanation I came up with as I placed the neatly folded blanket to where it should be.

I walked to the kitchen with them following behind like a shadow " Okay this is starting to get annoying I need to get my senses back as soon as possible" I spoke before hearing my phone go off which I picked up accepting the incoming call from my friend.

" Hey Suzy" I mumbled softly leaning on the counter " Where did you disappear to last night with those seven hot guys?" She asked and my head shot up to look at them each of them sitting somewhere around the room " You mean they are real? I'm not hallucinating or still dreaming?" I asked " Oh shit." I sighed as I ended the call " So everything that happened is real?" I asked taking a deep breath trying to stay calm.

I still couldn't process what happened " You're telling me a golden journal granted my wish and now you are real? Why are you here why don't you go on with your lives?" I asked clearly confused as to why they are here. Jimin inched closer to the counter blocking me from moving away as he stared at my eyes " We're here to protect you, it's our mission" he said softly " From what?" my mind going blank but soon enough my thoughts were clouded with what kind of danger I was in.

" You know that you ruined someone's life, actually two lives." Jungkook spoke his voice cold as ice and I could feel the tension rising " I never harmed anyone, and I wouldn't possibly do such a horrible thing as to ruining someone's life" I said quietly looming over Jimin's shoulder to get a better view at the boy " What about Chul and Hwan?" He asked and that's when reality downed at me, hitting me hard like a bolt of lightning " I. . Never knew such a thing would happen, that was only for the book... I never intended to ruin someone's life" I whispered staring down " They're after you, because you ruined their lives." Namjoon muttered quietly " So now you're in danger, it wouldn't be hard to track you down and kidnap you, because basically you can't even hurt a fly."

" She's a total wuss." Jungkook muttered shaking his head " You're really the boring type of people, graduated from University and decided to continue with your writing career, worked at your school newspaper and done so many volunteering and charity work and other stuff that I don't care about" he sighed " Your parents live in Busan and you don't have any siblings.. " he tilted his head back thinking, they knew everything about me and so did I.

"Stop.. I didn't ask you to humiliate me or list the ' boring ' stuff I did in my life, your job is to protect me so there I'm under your watch" I whispered quietly pushing Jimin gently out of my way " You can cook anything if you're hungry.. I don't have appetite anymore" and with that I went to my study, because that's the only place I can clear my head at.


Hi ARMY, let us know what do you think of Bom so far? We really hope you like her guys.

he next chapter will have some action guys so be ready, I'm so excited.

See you soon, stay safe~~


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