"You look stunning." He said softly and with the utmost sincerity.

I was speechless. I tried to open my mouth to say something but could not find the words. Out of all the things in the world I thought he would say, 'stunning' was not one of them.

Milliseconds later he snapped out of it and stepped back. I found myself wishing that he would just stay there within my reach.

What's wrong with me?

"You ready? Because I am starving" Jack asked, finally breaking the awkward silence.

"Yes. I am also quite hungry." I replied, happy for the subject change.

He walked to the door, and kicked the thin layer of ice that covered it. Then he opened it and waited for me to walk though it.

"Thank you." I acknowledged as I passed by him.

The sun shined so bright I thought I would go blind. I have never been this hot before. My kingdom is never this hot!

"Here" Jack handed me a strange canvas covered cane.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's an umbrella." He answered.

I starred at him in confusion.

He tilted his head back, laughing like a little kid. It was the cutest thing. Suddenly I got the feeling this laughter was at my expense.

He thinks my lack of knowledge on this new world is funny?

"Yes, an umbrella. Quite useful, thank you." I nodded with all the sincerity I could muster. Hoping he would buy my fake act of knowing what the hell this odd contraption is.

He just laughed again. Then took the umbrella from me.

Then he pressed some kind of button and it opened up fanning out like a small handheld tent. I am not sure what its purpose was, but is was entirely cool.

He handed it back to me. "Hold it over your head. It will block away the sun."

"Thanks" I replied.

He was right! It worked! The heat wasn't so bad anymore. I had my own portable shade.

He grabbed another from beside the door and opened it. Side by side we walked. After about 25 minuets I stopped.

"Can't we just fly there?" I asked pitifully.

"No we can't. Don't you think normal people would find it horrifying?"

I sighed in defeat. He was right.

"Don't worry we are almost there." he said

"We better be" I whispered to myself



For the rest of the walk I explained to her that nobody but her could see or hear me. At first this confused her, but eventually I got her to understand that I would relay and she would have to do all the talking. I just sure hope she doesn't do something that will freak these small town New York people out.

Soon we were seated In the cafe. It was amusing to me to watch her stare at all the things she has never seen before. Like the TV's and the laptops, but most of all the cars.

The first time a car passed when we were walking down to the road , she screamed In fear and jumped in my arms. It was the funniest thing. She hated it when I laughed at her. I thought Elsa looked possibly adorable when frightened.

The waitress had given Elsa quite a strange look when she ordered 2 whole portions of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. But she simply shrugged and jotted it down.

I had led her to a corner booth, out of view of any other customers or staff. I myself, as a gaurdian don't really need to eat. But that doesn't mean I don't occasionally.

"What is this meatloaf?" She asked once the waitress was gone.

"Don't worry, Its good, you will like it."

"Will that be all?" The overly cheery redhead waitress asked politely after we had finished eating.

"Yes thank you" I whispered and Elsa repeated this to our hostess.

"Honey I gotta say, you sure can eat."
She laughed then placed the check on the table and returned to the kitchen.

"So what did you think?" I asked curiosity

"It was amazing! Although it was enough food to feed a small militia" she stated.

I chuckled.

"Are we going to head back to the cabin now?" She asked while placing the last bit of gravy covered potato in her mouth.

"Yeah, there is something Iv got to do back there before we leave. A place I need to visit."

Just the thought of where I was headed made my heart drop. Even though it's been centuries since she died it still hurts all the same.

"Where?" Elsa asked curiously.

I looked down at my hands before speaking.

"My sisters grave."


Aww poor jack! What did you guys think about this chapter? I hope you like it. After all it's all for the guys!! Please vote and comment!! Till next time. (Mariska98)

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