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As-salamu alaykum warahmatullah wa barkatuh.

Bonjour,c'mon c'va.

Ni hao!



Good day to ya All. Hello!.

Namaste!tum kese hu?


Igno kwenu!

Ina wuni!

Jambanduna?, noi sare?

I'm sorry if I missed out your language. let's just stick with As-salamu alaykum/hey/hello.

For those who don't know me, I am khadija bint muhammad. Nice combo ain't? I'm a gurl, I'm moderate in everything, I have nose and mouth(enough of the intro right?) If this is your first time viewing my works,then I'd say nice meeting you(not physically off course) and can't wait for the journey ahead.

Now,for those who already know she stole it from him-he got it back from her,you will also know it's pathetically mushy and y'knw all the aim and romantic stuffs. But life ain't all about a bed filled with roses,a tub filled with bubbles, a cone filled with ice cream and a mug filled with mint tea(have I ever mentioned my love for tea?)

1 minute,I need to get a cuppa.





So I'm back.

This story as you're about to read,is a story worth giving a chance,worth reading if I may add. Though, I can't guarantee if you'd like it or not, going by the percentage of people that prefer ROMCOM.

I'm not saying I'm gonna miss out all those loving stares and playful fights,overly sappy and corny scenes. I'm just saying there will be more and more of reality in this. I believe we've enjoyed the paradise enough in SSIFH-HGIBFH.

So this story is kinda close to me,my heart, I wont term it as fictional at the same time I wont term it as non-fictional, because it portraits the happenings of our daily day activities, it entails what happens within us,some parts are also the story of a close someone of mine.

Some parts can be termed as reality but not completely realistic going by the consideration that I've filtered the story enough, sublimed what I needed to,crystallized all highs and lows of it,then added all the real life stuffs I see around people I know and even those I don't.

Now after all these being said I feel the need to inform you that, I'm that kinda girl that prefers being off the grid.

Meaning, whenever I have a zayd(to all those who know zayd),I keep it so close that I hate it whenever anyone tries to temper. Same way, whenever I write,I prefer it not being copied,not even a line ...let's not talk of a paragraph.

Copy right!

So,let's get a glimpse of the story a bit , shall we?

Every single happening in our lives have been written thousands of years before we were brought into the world.

Same way,

Every thing that happens to us in life is either a lesson or a blessing, now what happens when only lessons are in her life? Going by how boring school is, we all can understand how it feels to keep been thought lessons a whole day.

The thing here is,we ain't talking about any school nor are we talking about a day... its a lesson for a life time,! how does she cope?

There are different classes of people: 1)those who fail but never fail to try again. 2) those who fail and never feel the need to try again thinking they gonna fail again.

What happens when failure becomes her companion?.

Now enough of her.

Somewhere across the seas and beneath the sky,lived someone, someone undefinable.

Someone with no aim whatsoever,I'll leave his description till further into the story.

she's waited for someone for her entire life.

Someone she had no guarantee he would grace a return.

She had high hopes in regard to her self.

What happens when high hopes happens to crash like a collapsing building?

She wanted to feel happiness, just to have a person who genuinely did care.

The problem of happiness is, its short lived,whatever with beginning must have an end.

She wasn't an attention seeker,yet she needed attention.

Would she ever get it the way she deserves?

Being surrounded by three completely different men,yet she wanted just one.

Who never knew he wanted her.

What happens when----

She loves him,

He loves her,

Everybody knows,

Except them.

What happens----

When a single paper and a single signature holds a lot more significance than her life it self.

What happens-----

When death is one of her wishful desire.

We'all know how fulani girls look,let's not ommit the fact that the fulani girl hails from the renowned city jewel in the savannah, we all know how to die for are the ladies there.

Now,who is a chef over here? ✋ we know for a meal to be mouth watering,it needs the perfect combination of spices,same way for my actor and actress to be eye watering, I require the shua arab guy, or should it be the fulani guy? Well well read and find out who she ends up with.

Things to expect as you read this.
1) expect a long book(for those that hate long books,oops) not over lengthy chapters tho.
2)heart breaks(get a needle and thread, I'm a pretty good stitcher so as we get heart breaks, ill be their to fix it) alongside twists!
3)expect unknown and new traditions, cultures and beliefs.
4)new country and distinct backgrounds.
5)Separations:either by death, distances or time.
6)expect to feel a certain relation with the actors as you read💕

First chapter shall be updated tomorrow by 7:00pm-9:00pm insha Allah

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