Chapter 29: Nicole - Starting Over Again

Start from the beginning

"Uh...we're not together."

"Why not? He's obviously gotten over the fact that Matteo is the dad of Nikolai. Maybe it's not too late for you two."

I smiled. "You still haven't given up on us, have you?"

My mom shrugged. "It would have been nice if Matteo and you got together, but given his situation... So with know my sentiments on that. Circumstances may have changed, but my sentiments haven't." She smiled sheepishly.

I laughed. "We'll see, Ma. Can I focus on Nikolai first before I jump into another relationship?"

Oh yeah...I had forgotten that Tony had confessed his feelings for me a week ago. It's not that I was rejecting him. Truth be told, he had changed a lot ever since we broke up and I was grateful that he filled in the shoes that Matteo left behind.

"We'll go visit the nursery, Nic. Is it ok if we leave you for a bit?" Kuya Jacob gave me a tight hug.

I nodded and they all gave me a quick hug before leaving the room. I immediately reached for my phone. Since my sister and Tony haven't gone back to see me, I grabbed the opportunity to call Wacks.

"Dream girl!" I heard him great me from the other line. "Congratulations!"

"Ninong, when are you going to visit?" [Godfather]

"Is it ok if I drop by after work?"

"Sure." I paused, unsure whether I should ask Wacks about Matteo.

I guess I didn't have to ask Wacks because he assumed my silence was my wanting to ask him about Matteo. "I sent him a message. He hasn't replied to me so I have no idea if he went there or not. I'm assuming the latter because you wouldn't be calling me if he did visit." He sighed. "That asshole. I'm sorry, dream girl. I'm sorry my best friend is such a stupid asshole."

"Don't be sorry, Wacks. It doesn't matter to me anymore. What matters is if he will visit my son. I don't care if he doesn't see me. I know he doesn't care about me. But I wanted to find out if he at least went to see our son considering the fact that he knew I just gave birth."

"Do you want me to find out?"

Did I really want that? I knew the truth would just hurt me. "I don't know, Wacks. I'm scared to know the truth, knowing it will just hurt me."

"I don't know what to say, dream girl. I did tell him before that I wanted to date you since he wouldn't, if that would help." He gave a small laugh. "Offer is still open, but you made me a godfather!"

I laughed. "Thanks for making me feel better, Wacks. I'll see you later."


A few hours later, Nikolai was finally brought to the room accompanied by my dad and brother. A few minutes later, I saw Tony come back without my sister. When I asked him where she might have gone, he told me that she had some things she needed to take care of. When my dad and brother saw that Tony was there to keep me company, they told me that they'd visit me the next day so that I could rest.

I watched Nikolai's sleeping form, my heart filled with both sadness and joy. He looked like an angel in his crib so fought the urge to carry him in fear that I might wake him up. I stroked his cheek as he lay sleeping, marveling at how beautiful he was. "I'm sorry Daddy didn't want to be with you. But don't worry, I'll always be there for you."

"You haven't touched your food. Do you want me to go bring you something more edible?" Tony asked as he checked my untouched meal.

"I ate some of the fruits Ma brought. I'm not that hungry."

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