Chapter 1.

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"It started as a Dare- a kiss that didn't quite go as planned. Only I and one other person witness the truth behind the rumor that got out of hand. My childhood best friend had kissed me and I kissed him back but that wasn't the issue. The problems came afterward." I said.

"Grandma, you're not trying to scare me out of going on my date tonight. Are you?" Cherish asked.

"No of course not I am telling you a story" I said.

"I am too old for bedtime stories" She said.

"No Cherish... This is a very mature story. But I guess you would know that if you would listen to it" My granddaughter sat in front of her vanity. Curling loose strands of hair.

"Okay but it's going to have to be a quick one" She said.

"You can't rush a good story" I said.

"Just come on tell me about this story." She said.

"Right where was I at...oh yeah When we first kissed."

*The beginning*
"I don't know Lucas...You know I don't do parties" I said to the determined looking boy next to me.

"Please just for me. You're overthinking it." He said.

"Have you ever seen a movie with a high school party. Something bad always happens" I replied.

"How many times do I have to tell you we are not in a movie." Lucas dragged out.

"Don't answer my question with a question" I said.

"What if I bought you the new
Sharon Draper Book" My ears perked up. Damn you!!!

"I can buy it myself. I said no" I nibbled on my bottom lip. He knows I've been waiting for that to come out.

"You are thinking about it" He taunted.

"Am not" I countered.

"You are too your eyebrows are furrowed. Your head is resting in your palm and you are avoiding eye contact." He commented.

"I should be creeped out but I'm actually flattered you pay that much attention to me" I said.

"The offer still stands. I will even let you read it to me. Every single emotional chapter" He said.

"It may not have enough thrill for you..." I said.

"I can handle it. Only if you go to the party with me." He negotiated.

"There will be too many people why do you want to go" I said.

"Because it will be fun" He explained.

"Can you get the book by this weekend." I said.

"I can get it sooner." He said.

"Fine, I will go. But only for an hour." I said giving in.

"Yes!! We are going to our first high school party"
He got up fist pumping around my room.

"When you going to get the book?" I asked.

"Oh The book Is at my house I already bought it" He said.

"You Liar. I knew it" I threw my pillow at him.

"You already agreed to go. No backsies" He said.

"Backsies? We are not five anymore" I said.

"Don't worry you can still read it to me I know how much you love to hear your own voice" He said.

"I like doing the voices doesn't mean I like hearing my voice"
I rolled my eyes
I had put on my Gallavich t-shirt, light washed skinny jeans, and converse. My glasses were pushed up against my nose as far as they would go. Contacts made me feel weird. I was too lazy and didn't care enough to do my hair so it was thrown in a messy bun. I wish we would've just stayed at my house and watched shameless.

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