Admitting to Me

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Nearing on week three of having not been online, your depression finally eased up. You were able to wake up each morning and do basic tasks such as brush your hair and teeth and put on makeup. You decided tonight would be the night to get online and revisit with your friends finally, after all you started missing Ben and Alex...and especially Tyler for some reason, which you didn't understand but brushed off. Little did you know Tyler missed you, too.

"Hey you guys" you said nervously as you joined into the Discord channel with all of them.

"Hey!!!" Tyler said excitedly as soon as he heard your voice.

It was super cute to you, and you giggled a little. "Miss me?" you asked teasingly.

"Uh...I mean yeah I guess," Tyler said casually, trying to play it cool as if he didn't just freak out over hearing your voice after almost one month of missing it.

"I missed you too, Tyler" you said.

"Damn, you guys in to one another or what?" Ben joked.

"What?" Tyler asked nervously.

"Yeah totally. Hey Tyler want my number?" you flirt sarcastically.

"I mean, uh...sure," he responds to your surprise.

"Wait, what? Really?" you asked, unsure of if he was playing around or of which he actually wasn't.

"I mean if you're okay with it that is, then why not? We talk all the time on here so it isn't like it'd be much different over the phone I suppose. Just wouldn't require using a computer every time," he persuaded.

"What?" Noah asked, a sudden smile on his face from hearing you sound happy again.

"I think the boys are coming out of hiatus!" you cheered excitedly.

Tyler froze, before hesitantly asking what he already damn good and well knew the answer was to the question he was about to ask. "Who are the boys?"

"Twenty One Pilots," you said casually, realizing you just brought them up for your first time to him and taking a nervous breath.

"Oh Lord here we go," Ben said.

"Ben, shut the fuck up for once" Alex hissed. "What makes you say that, Y/N?"

"Well, I got this weird fucking e-mail of an eye," you started.

"An eye?" Noah asked.

"Yeah I don't know. BUT IT'S SOMETHING!" you yelled.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy" Noah said while laughing.

"So, which one?" Tyler asked while trying to make conversation and not make it totally seem like he was trying to figure out which of the two in the band you would be in to.

"Which what?" you questioned.

"Tyler or Josh?" Tyler asked in an almost too enthusiastic tone that he realized immediately he had to draw back.

Why am I asking that? Is that weird? Is she gonna totally see through me as asking her if she likes me? I should've never said anything. Tyler thought to himself while a tightening sensation arose in his chest.

"What are you fuckin' gay?" Ben asked while laughing.

You'll admit, it was a pretty funny joke/meme so you laughed as well. Tyler even partook a little.

"I'm far from it, pal" Tyler laughed.

"Um I don't know..." you said shyly.

Then, as if upon telepathy, Noah, Ben, and Alex all said at the exact same moment: "Tyler Joseph."

Tyler felt a burning sensation in his cheeks as a humongous smile spread across his face. Oh shit, she thinks I'm cute? Really? Even though you both didn't know what either or looked like, Tyler didn't have to know. He felt a sort of comfort with you that he had yet to experience with another girl. Maybe it was because you two were online and didn't have the pressure of seeing the other in real life, but either way you were the first girl he'd ever been able to casually say whatever he thought to an extent (like when it came to revealing his true identity).

"Shut up," you said to the three.

Alex began mocking the things you said when Tyer wasn't in the chatroom and from before he even came in to the picture. "Oh daddyyyyy *fake kissing noises* I'd ravage him oh la laaaaa..."

"I'd let him call me baby girl and spank me," Ben chimed in.

"Choke me Tyjo," Noah joked.

"Noah, shut the fuck up! All of you!" you warned.

Tyler let out loud laughs that everyone heard, but in his mind he was thinking that if you really had said those things that it would be fucking. HOT.

"Tie me to the bed and tell me I've been a baddddd girrrrlllll," Alex joked.

"FUCKING STOP!" you yelled.

"Alright, alright, we'll quit," Noah laughed.

"And fuck you, mr. Tyjo! You're an asshole!" you scolded.

"Y/N it's fine, don't worry. I'm not judging," Tyler giggled.

"It's not fucking fine. You three should have never said those things. Those were told in private!" you said with an obvious anger.

"...not to make things worse for just admitted that you did in fact say those things about me," Tyler said.

"" you asked sharply.

"Yes, you," Tyler laughed.

" said...nevermind," you said shutting down instantly.

Did this dude just fucking accidentally admit he is Tyler fucking Joseph?



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